Act 5: Trainieren

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Waking up and not realizing that he wasn't in his king sized bed was like waking up from a hang over and of course Eren knew what those mornings felt like because sometimes the king and queen would host really awesome parties with so much amount of drinks that are more than he could actually count. He was always so used to waking up with embroidery blankets and pillows framing him but not today. Especially not today. Everything did feel the same though; the birds were chirping and I guess you could say he was comfy enough but his nose felt like it was snapped in half from the cold and he was curled up in a ball because he was probably almost freezing to death. He wasn't spoiled but in fact he was humble. He just wasn't used to all of this outdoor kind of thing yet because he planned everything too suddenly. Though there was one thing that still hasn't changed.

"Prince Eren," Armin whispered as quietly as he could, "it's time to wake up and your wig is falling..."

He quickly got up and he mentally thanked the heavens that Horse and Marco were still asleep so they wouldn't see that it was actually not his real hair at all.

"Don't call me in a place like this with people around," he hissed in replied as he shifted his wig around to place it correctly on his head without making it look like a dead animal.

"The majority of everyone here is still asleep and the corporal still wants you to retrieve that arrow by the way. I had some insomnia last night and he kept complaining to the commander that he will seriously kick your ass if you don't get it down because apparently that was his favourite arrow which he killed a lot of important people with so I don't even know maybe it's special to him."

"So you're telling me that he wants me to get that arrow from this big ass tree that was probably the same arrow who killed citizens of my own country?" he whispered back angrily.

"Hey I never said that those victims are from Maria. I heard he killed his own parents with it."

"How the fuck is he still king if did that? The king of Sina is just some psychopath honestly..." Eren trailed off and rubbed the crust from his tired, sore eyes.

"They don't care about anyone's past here, Eren, all they care about is if you're strong or how skilled you can be when you kill in the battle field and that's why this was a bad idea to come here in the first place because we can't risk having you injured or worse; killed."

"Fine. I'll leave and return to Maria," Eren declared and huffed.

Armin's eyes grew with hope and he gave a small smile, glad that Eren finally understood what he meant.

"I will after I finish what I came here for," the prince finished with a stubborn smirk on his face.

The blond boy covered his face with his hands for a brief moment and took a deep breath.

"Just to let you know, I will get to tell you 'I told you so' if anything goes wrong and bad."

"Which won't happen because I'm not a stupid prince," he murmured with a sheepish look on his face.

Armin was just about to comment how Eren might be wrong because he might have just jinxed it.

"You all look like shit," Levi announced once everyone was outside and standing up side by side in many lanes.

Everyone did in fact look like shit because it was very early in the morning and like Eren, no one was used to this yet.

"I will be taking attendance because hopefully y'all didn't run off after doing the beginning of training yesterday," Hanji's beamed as she looked down at a clipboard. She look pretty sharp in her uniform and she did seem nice but looking at the uniform made Eren was to run off and murder everyone with a wooden spoon; it was the same uniform that the intruders wore when they attacked his castle and it made it a lot more worse that the king and commander and everyone was wearing it now.

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