Act 25: Wunsch

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just gotta say something before you started reading this chapter;

as you can tell, i am writer. i am not a scientist, a politician or a doctor so if i have any of my facts wrong, please dont correct me.

how the heck am i suppose to know how a war works if im not a solider? i do my research and i know that ofc there is blood and fighting, etc and i know that is this fic, the war doesnt go for too long but idk how surrenders work okay

im merely a writer and if any of yall wanna complain bout somethin then i suggest you stop reading this fic now and read another fic where they actually get their facts straight lol. same goes for BTL, i dunno how surgeries go bc im not a frickin doctor. i know blood transfusion arent surgeries but i called it one so that yall can be scared and concerned for eren's life and actually think he'd die lol xD

ps. blood transfusions arent that dangerous sorrynotsorry

k thats all i gotta say okay bye ily

"You have virgin lips," the king told him.

"What is that supposed to mean?" the younger male demanded with a flushed expression while gritting his teeth together.

"Eren," Levi said and chuckled softly as he pressed his forehead against the boy's shoulder, "I stole all your firsts, didn't I?"

Eren didn't answer and just started to fumble around with his hands. It was dark outside and all the maids, butlers and everyone else who lived in the castle were asleep but them. It was almost ten o' clock and they spent close to an hour to just talk and kiss or even hold one another.

"You know for a virgin you're actually pretty good at kissing," the older male admitted and smirked mischievously as he gripped Eren's jaw. He leaned closer to him and looked at him right in the eye. Looking at Eren's eyes for only one second was enough to drown him, this boy had beautiful damn eyes.

His fingers were playing at the waistband of his boxers and Eren flinched as cold fingers grazed his skin. His eyes were wide with terror as Levi's lust and desire filled eyes skimmed his body. He suddenly stopped his finger movements when he felt Eren's obvious discomfort.

"I can leave you alone if you want," he told the boy and pulled his hands away which just made the situation a whole lot worse because now Eren looked a little disappointed.

He grabbed the king's hands and much to Levi's surprise, he set his hands on his waist and exhaled deeply.

"No," he said sternly. "I'm yours."


Levi always thought of Eren as a strong, skilled and intelligent soldier out in the battle field who would never give up fighting no matter

what the cost but it was a different story when he was with him.

Eren was very greedy and slutty when alone with Levi and seemed to like being kissed in areas such as the neck and chest; basically any place that was easy to be marked up.

Levi had trapped Eren in a kiss once again and the green eyed make felt as if he could never get enough of the king. He was kissing him back hungrily as if his life depended on it. He was like food, air and water; he probably needed him in everyday life to survive the hell called reality.

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