Act 14: Schwierigkeiten

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That day felt like an eternity of battling, dying and suffering. It was still raining which made everyone feel like complete shit. It was cold but everyone was way too busy fighting their asses off that they didn't even seem to notice. The king seemed to notice how upset Eren was so he purposely removed Eren out of the battle field and put him with another group of first aid. Of course Jaron tagged along and Levi didn't object to it.

There wasn't a lot of injured people because Levi's 'nooby' army had grown stronger thanks to his cruel and rough training but they were all thankful for that. Most injuries were only bruises or cuts but that was about it. The most serious injury was Marco's but he was gone now and no one would ever forget about that.

Eren didn't do much but he did get to wash bloody cloths but that was nothing exciting at all. He just lost motivation to fight because of the incident that occurred a little earlier. Honestly it wasn't really an accident because he did do it on purpose but how he supposed to know that it was his own father?

He looked down at his hands, the hands that stabbed and ended the life of the king of Maria. It was still stained with blood under his nails and lines of his palms. It made him sick to think that this all happened just because he ran off to seek vengeance but only to scratch that thought because he was starting to have feelings for the stupid midget king.

Fuck feelings.

It disgusted him and he didn't want to believe it at all. It was like reading a terrible book and realizing that it was pretty good but you don't want to admit it.

But you're straight, he told himself.

Not for long, lover boy.

Embrace the gay.

Welcome the homosexuality.

Shut the fuck up, brain.

He hated himself for this but it's not like he asked for any of this. Feelings were a part of you but it wasn't a thing that you could completely control. It was like having a period and he knew that only because of Mikasa.

There was not a lot of things for him to do since he finished cleaning all the cloths so he just sat against a sack of sand. He didn't do anything in particular nor thing of anything at all. Eren wanted to know what an empty shell felt like because that's what being dead felt like, right? If so, he wouldn't mind being dead right now. It was better than living in a hell of a world, right?

He fell asleep without intending to when he heard a powerful shout. He was awoken from his nightmares about his father and he sat up quickly to see what the commotion was about.

It was Hanji and she was grinning from ear to ear with a scroll of paper in her hands. She looked as if she were about to explode from happiness.

"They signed for a temporary surrender," she declared and started laughing like an idiot. "We killed too many of those bastards so now they have given up for a while."

Everyone began to scream, shriek and cheer with joy and triumph. Eren felt a pang at his chest but it wasn't of joy but despair. Were they seriously so happy because of the deaths of their enemies? Sure it meant victory but it was cruel to think a death of a fellow human would make you happy. That's what Eren used to think before; he thought maybe if he did end up killing Levi maybe he would be happy but he found out he wouldn't be. It wouldn't change anything. His mother would still be sick, his father was still dead and it wouldn't change the fact that he was as selfish as Levi.


They were going to celebrate. They were going to celebrate the deaths and failures of their enemies. They were all going to head back to Levi's castle to throw a really big ball and everyone in the army was going to be there of course. They were all told that the next battle was going to be in a few weeks but possibly even more than that.

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