Act 13: Kampf

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A small non-affectionate action just completely changed the way Eren thought about the king of Sina. The king was supposed to be merciless and blood thirsty so why did he give a simple kiss on the hand to Eren? Was this some sort of trick and clue that maybe Levi knew who Eren truly was? This was all a trap, right?

He couldn't think about that now though because they were all in the shadows of war and had no time but to think of how to kill their enemies and how to survive. He just had to avoid thinking about this bastard of a king because he was indeed a real bitch.




Heart, please shut up. This isn't the time for you to race every time you feel Levi's presence.

It was wrong for Eren's heart to be doing this because he wasn't an actual girl so it shouldn't be possible for Eren to fall for Levi, right? He was his enemy so why is he starting to build a soft heart for him? He was pretty sure he was heterosexual. It was like an early defeat.

Eren was very angry at himself and he felt like his heart and brain had their own control; they were both screaming the king's name in a wanting voice and it was really pissing Eren off. He got himself stuck in such a bad situation and there was probably no escape.

All he wanted to do was seek revenge and why is that so hard to ask for? There was so many obstacles and traps to achieve such a thing. First there was Jaron who would be lonely orphan if Levi was murdered and second, Eren no longer felt like the good guy.

He never was, really.

Maria sought blood of Sina and Rose only wanted an alliance with Maria because of the amount of gold mines they had.

They were all being used.

"Hotaru," Levi's booming voice awoke him from sudden day dreaming. "Jaron...I can't find him. He was here and now he's gone and I haven't seen where he went,"


"I can't find my son," Levi said a little more sternly and furrowed his eyebrows.

Eren swore violently under his breath and slammed his fist violently to the ground. He was shaking with worry and concern as he tightly grit his teeth in frustration. He wasn't mad at Jaron for running off in the middle of a battle but he was angry at Levi; did he just easily let his own son slip away from him?

"I need you to fight in my place while I go search for him, okay? Please do me a big favor and don't get yourself killed."

"No," Eren said in a neutral voice. "I'll go look for him."

"Hotaru, stop fucking around and do as I say," Levi snapped angrily.

"We can't afford you to get lost and get killed. Stay here and fight, corporal. You're the strongest here, right? Isn't that why they call you Humanity's strongest?"

"Are you even listening to yourself? You think that I might get lost? He's my son anyways so it's my responsibility for me to chase after him when he gets himself in deep shit."

"Oh you're saying this now?" Eren demanded and took a few steps closer to the short king. "Finally you decide to play the good father role? Why now? Why do you choose now to finally act as a father?"

"Shut the fuck up and obey me. I don't care about your damn opinions and my role as a father is none of your business, shitty brat."

"Whatever, sir. I'm going to look for him."

"I just said that I'll do it," he growled with frustration and impatience.

"We're wasting time. I'll do, alright? Everyone needs you to stay and fight here."

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