Act 2: Ehre

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Ich möchte, wann ich sterbe, wie die lichten

Gestirne schnell und unbewußt erbleichen,

Erliegen möcht' ich einst des Todes Streichen,

Wie Sagen uns vom Pindaros berichten.

-Melerei of Death

Eren had no idea of what honour was supposed to be but that didn't make him stupid; he simply didn't understand the true meaning of it. The word wasn't very complicated in his opinion but it was just a difficult task to define it and that's why he cringed every time he heard it because he didn't have a clear definition for it in his head.

The word also pissed the fuck out of him because why the fuck was it so important to his family? All this honour shit was starting to make him very, very mad; way more angry than he usually is. It was a visible thing but it had a crap ton of value to his mother and father in the everyday actions and activities in life.

It annoyed him so much that he decided to go to the Japanese stone garden in his huge backyard by himself to silently pray that his father wouldn't say a bunch of mumbo jumbo about the word if he returned inside the castle. After the accident with Match maker, him and the once proud king rode in silence in the carriage back home and wasn't because the king was mad at the boy for being a total klutz but because 'he didn't embarrass himself with honour.'

That's almost saying that you need to take a shit with honour and that's pretty weird and bizarre in Eren's point of view because don't honour kind of mean 'high respect' and no one takes high respect when they go to the loo.

Eren looked up at the cherry blossom trees with their branches slightly swaying in the wind as he thought of this and just when he thought he was alone, his best friend appeared from behind a gate.

"Eren, are you alright?"

The young prince suddenly flinched and painfully turned around to meet the familiar voice.

"Huh? Yeah I'm okay,,," he trailed off as he eyes were fixed on the edge of a tall mountain from afar.

Eren was definitely lying and Armin could tell so easily by the way his gaze wouldn't meet his and how his lips were slightly parted like he wanted to say something; he was an open book.

"His majesty is looking for you," The other boy said to break the chort silence.

"Tell him I don't want to see him right now," Eren answered with a small sigh.

"But he requests your presence at the throne room," Armin shot back. "He seemed very worried about you, Eren."

The prince was quiet for a while as he watched cherry blossoms flutter down to the ground like snow in the wind. Armin didn't say anything for a awhile and so did Eren; there was nothing but the sound of their breathing and water trickling down a small water fountain.

"What does he have to say?" Eren asked at last.

"I don't even know but I'm guessing it's highly important that you show up and discuss some things with your father," the blond boy replied quietly.

"Alright," Eren finally agreed, "but, Armin, look at me. I will never pass for a perfect prince or a perfect offspring. Can it be i'm not meant to play this part, Armin?"

"Eren, shut it. That's a ton of bull and I know you'll be able to play the role of the king one day with or without a wife."

"I really appreciate it but now I see, that if I were truly to be myself, I would break my family's heart."

This time Armin didn't answer because they both knew he was speaking the words of truth. Eren was reckless, stubborn and rebellious. He only wanted to find a fight even though there was no visible, obvious meaning for one and he always refused to show up at royal balls that his parents were hosting. Eren wasnted to be free but being the prince was like being a dog; he had all the love and care he needed to survive but he wasn't even allowed to escape his leash.

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