Chapter 2: Going shopping!

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~Cher P.O.V.~

Simon also told me that we had to buy our outfits by tomorrow for the awards. He never tells me what I should wear because I never listen to him. So Ellie and I wake up early (10:00, hey it's early for us) and we quickly get dressed and head to the biggest shopping center I know. It has 4 levels and it's where I buy everything. I've decided to not dress fancy so it's a t-shirt and skirt for me! Yes, I'm proud of what I wear but some people think its cray-cray (some people being Ellie). Ellie hates dresses but she wants to dress fancy, so she's going for a skirt too. We hit my favourite store first "Zap" it's uber cool and I loooove everything thing in it. The whole staff knows we so I get some major discounts even though I'm this millionaire. :) We walk in the I immediately get drawn to this leather skirt. 

"You like?" I ask holding it up for Ellie to see. She looks at it frowns, nods, then finally says: " Why don't you try it on?"

This is the problem with Ellie she can't be mean to people, unless she's super duper mad at them but other then that she's pretty nice. I get my size and ask for a dressing room.

" Hey Cher! Haven't seen you in a awhile!" says Courtney one of the girls that work here, she helps me into a change room and I smile and thank her.

Inside the change room I slip off my red jeans and try the skirt on, it fits perfectly!! Sqeeeee!

"Ellie! Its perfect!!!" I squeel, and yes I do get over excited when I go shopping. I open the door and show off my skirt. Ellie claps her hands and holds up a tank top.

"Do you think I should try it on?" she asks

The tank top is really nice and its Ellie favourite colour navy blue. 

"Yes you are going to try it on Miss. Ellie." I say using her nickname as I shove her into a dressing room.

"Alright then Miss. Cher." She replies. Turns out the tank top fits Ellie perfectly and she looks soo cute in it. As we buy our purchases a group of girls come into the store and immediately recognize me.


Oh good lord, I'm not in the mood for fangirls and signing autographs. I sigh and reluctantly sigh her purse, a piece of paper, her hand, her phone and her school picture. Her other friends don't seem like fans because they wonder away and start looking at the discount rack. Oh, so now the discount rack is more entertaining then Cher Lloyd?! I don't think so! I walk over and tap one of the girl's on the shoulder.

"Would you like an autograph or a picture?" I ask politely.

"Ummm...No thanks....we only take pictures with real celebrities." the girl says

How am I not a real celebrity? God, some people are so rude. Ellie ushere's me out of the store and I stop to tie my converse. 

"They were jerks, don't let it get to you." says Ellie, "Besides we're going to be hanging out with One Direction in 2 days."

I give her a weak smile and stand up, it was time to seriously get into shopping mode. I put my hair into a bun, made sure both my shoes were tied (I have this problem where they always come undone and it's beyond annoying), tighten my belt, adjust my shirt and take off.

After 5 hours, yes 5, of shopping Ellie and I have successfully bought everything we need to make ourselves look maaarvelous. +posh hand movement+  Our total amount of money is greater then the number of directioners there are in the world. Simon is going to kill me! We sit down on a bench to take a rest and decide some ice cream would be a perfect way to end this shopping trip. We decided to go to Dairy Queen and buy the chocolate extreme, chocolate is one of Ellie's favourite things in the world. She loves it to bits!

" Hi can I please have a large chocolate extreme." I say politely to the cashier girl, I look at her name tag, it reads Perrie. Holy fudge! Perrie!

"Perrie her name is Perrie!' I whisper to Ellie. Her eyes widen and she squeals. Yep, you could call us fans.

As the girl hands us the ice cream I thank her and flash her a huge smile. I'm just being nice -GOSH-. We sit down and finish the whole thing in about two minutes. We sit back and I take a picture and post it on Instagram. It's Ellie with her eyes closed lying down on her chair. She looks so cute I couldn't resist. We finally get our butts up and head towards the door, yes this was a very very successful shopping trip.

She's not afraid (Cher Lloyd and One Direction Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now