Chapter 7: I'm going down, down, down, down

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~Ellie's P.O.V~

I looked over at Cher to see if she was celebrating One Direction’s win but she was just sitting there staring into space. She looked kinda spaced out and I got worried. Suddenly I realised, Cher category was next! Of course! She must be really nervous since you know she really wants to show me that she’s capable of winning an award. I know she’s a good singer I know she’s famous I know she’s capable of doing lots of things. I don’t need proof, but Cher’s just that kind of person who thinks you need proof every single time you want to make a point.

One Direction had just finished their speech and was happily walking off the stage. I caught Niall’s eye and he winked at me, I followed the boys till I figured out where they were sitting. The lights dimmed and the people who were presenting stepped out. It was Nicki Minaj and Carly Rae Jepsen. They both looked really pretty and I was so jealous of Carly’s dress.

“So Nicki are you ready to present this award?” Carly asked staring off.

“Oh yes darling, there are some very talented people in this category. So here are the nominees for best BAND!” said Nicki with a smile

“Ummm Nicki this is for the best song about friendship!” said Carly pretending to be stunned and looking astounded at Nicki

Nicki pretended to look stunned and nervously started laughing “I knew that darling I was just testing you. But if this is about friendship shouldn’t we say a little “Oath” before we say the nominees?”  She said nudging Carly.

Ok some of the jokes tonight were pretty funny but this one was totally lame. Hahaha but I was still glad that they had used one of Cher’s songs in their little intro. I looked over at Cher so was nervously tugging at the bracelet. But I had noticed that she seemed to relax a little with Nicki had mentioned her song.

(Oh and P.S. this artists and songs are all made up, so don’t go looking for them on Google on anything because I just randomly made them up)

“So here are the nominees!” cried Carly as the screen above them lit up and they started playing off all the songs.

“Vicky Rose! With Forever Beauties!”

“Alana Buoys! With B.F.F.L!”

“Cher Lloyd! With Oath!”

I stood up and screamed with embarrassed Cher but I had to show my support for my B.F.F, oh and people wouldn’t be laughing after she WON!

“Rachel Vans ft. Allan Rick! With Cool Kids!”

“And last but not least Gecky B! (See what I did there?) With Together and Always!”

The crowd let out one final cheer as Nicki opened the envelope. Both her and Carly gasped and started smiling. Cher was trembling and looked like she was going to pass out. Oh this night would be just great if we both fainted.

“CHER LLOYD!” screamed Carly suddenly.

Cher’s expression was hilarious; the pale faced frightened girl was replaced by Cher’s usual bubbly self. She threw her arms around me and we both started to jump up and down.

“I knew you would win.” I whispered in her ear.

I started to sit down but Cher grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the stage. Oh no! No way was I going up there! I was being past rows and rows of celebrities. I dug my shoes into the carpet but it was no use. What if Cher put the spot light on me and wanted me to do a thank you speech too? What was I going to say? I looked around and saw that everyone was actually clapping. Cher was smiling from ear to ear and I finally felt like I was a celebrity. How it must feel when you win something or you hear your song on the radio. It was a good feeling but that suddenly all ended. I don’t know how it happened but I went down hard. On the first step of the marble stairs. It was like the Jennifer Lawrence incident over again. But 100 times worse. I was awkwardly sprawled on the stairs and trying to be tugged up again by Cher.

Suddenly I felt some sturdy hands go around my waist and I was lifted off the ground and placed gently on the steps. I whipped around and came face to face with Harry Styles. We stared at each for a few seconds and then I broke my gaze and ran up the stairs. My face was beat red and I stood on my tip toes beside Cher. Her funny accent was filling up and room and it seemed like everyone had stopped to listen.

I saw Harry slip back into his seat and whisper something to Louis. My Larry feels were getting the best of me but this was no time to fangirl. But my thoughts changed and my stomach dropped. Harry was probably talking about me. Oh god he’s probably saying something horrible like I was almost too heavy to pick up or I looked really bad in my skirt. But I really wanted to know if Cher had seen me fall? And had she seen what Harry had done? I telepathically sent her a message but she was just thanking all her Brats and just like it was over. We were ushered back stage so we could take pictures. I put on my best smile and waited for the flashes to disappear. Finally after 20 gazillion poses we were asked to take our seats again. Cher was out of breath and looked like the happiest person on earth.

“Cher we need to talk now!” I hissed and pulled her towards the bathroom.

I stopped in front of the restroom door just in time to hear “Oh yeah she totally whipped out…but apparently Harry Styles picked her up! She must have been so embarrassed!” a high pitched voice was saying.

I slammed the door opened and fond Bella Thorne and Olivia Holt putting on some makeup. They fell silent and quickly left the bathroom.

“What’s going on?” Cher asked, with a puzzled look on her face.

“You haven’t put two and two together?” I asked getting slightly annoyed that Cher hadn’t figured it out yet.

“Omigod! Did something happen? I’m so sorry Ellie! It was while we were going on stage wasn’t it! I knew something was wrong since you didn’t come up immediately! I’m such a bad friend.” Pitied Cher.

“Yeah something did happen. Cher I totally whipped out when I was going up the steps! It looked worse then when JLaw fell! It’s going to be all over the Internet tomorrow! Arggg! My life is a mess right now!" I cried throwing my hands in air. 

"Was it really that bad?" Cher asked questioning my fall. This girl was good! She knew that I would over dramatize situations! And this was the perfect situation.

"It wasn't that bad." A voice said.

I turned around and saw Demi Lovato (????) come out of a bathroom stall. She explained how she was in the front row and how it actually didn't look that bad.

"But the part I would be worried about is how Harry picked you up. By tomorrow there will surely be some kind of new rumour that you two are dating. So my advice is to clear it up before all the rumours start." Demi explained.

Cher threw me a puzzled look and I laughed nervously. Demi was right, my fall just turned this night into a one big DISASTER!

She's not afraid (Cher Lloyd and One Direction Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now