Chapter 10: Airport!

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~Ellie’s P.O.V. ~

We were just arriving at the airport now. I loved going up in the air, it was such a rush and I didn’t go on airplanes usually. I love airports, people always complain that its way too busy but I just love watching all the people. We arrive and I’m thankful to say that there were no fans. I jumped out of the car and stretched, it had a long car ride. I smiled at Cher and she motioned to the back of the van. I followed her and she opened the back of the car.

“What’s up?” I whispered

Cher looked up and then bent down; I had to strain my eyes to make out what she was saying.

“I don’t like this “Marley” girl. I mean she seems nice but Ellie she doesn’t have a home. And anyway we have stuff to do, we can’t just let her come along with us the whole time. Plus we’re meeting someone tomorrow and she can definitely not come.” Cher said in a serious tone. She through me a “you-better-not-mess-with-me” look and got her suitcase and headed towards the airport doors.

Now I was definitely confused. Why didn’t Cher like Marley? Suddenly a thought popped into my head. Was Cher jealous? Did she think Marley was going to replace her? I had always been Cher’s best friend; it had always just been the two. Hmmmm could this be the problem. But my mind was mostly focused on what Cher was talking about when she said that I WAS MEETING SOMEONE TOMORROW? WHO?!? I forgot about my problems with Marley and Cher and started thinking about who I could be meeting. One of my old friends, another celebrity, my family? My mind started wondering to the impossible and I told myself to focus. I grabbed my bags and ran towards the airport. I reached Cher and frowned, her and Marley were in an argument. One of my biggest pet peeves is that I hate fighting.

“What’s the problem?” I asked, hopefully it’s something stupid so it can be over and we can just to go London.

“Ellie you know this, we can’t just let a random girl come with us. My manager doesn’t know and where is she going to sit in the airplane? We can’t just put an extra person on the airplane. This is a bag idea. I need to phone my agent and ask him if he can come.” Cher explained with a frown on her face.

I looked from Cher to Marley. True Cher had a point; we had to call her manager. But what was Marley going to do if she couldn’t come? I couldn’t just leave her here…would Cher do that? I nodded at Cher and with a smug look she took her phone and dialled management’s number.

Marley pulled me towards a door and put her hands on her hips.

“What the hell Ellie? Cher obviously hates me and now I’m going to get kicked out. I thought you were really nice but now I’m having my doubts.” Hissed Marley

“Listen I know you’re super mad at me but we just can’t let you walk onto a plane. You need a ticket and if the plane is booked then you can’t go on. I’m sure we’ll head to London and you’ll just take the next plane. Then we can meet up in London and everything will be fixed.” I said with a weak smile.

Marley looked suspicious but then smiled and hugged me.

“I’m sorry, I just got really mad. That sounds great and I really want to go to London!!” she squealed suddenly happy. I laughed and we headed back to Cher.

As we suspected the plane was booked, our flight was at 4:30 and Marley is going to take the next flight available. We hugged Marley goodbye and headed off to the entrance to our plane.

~Cher’s P.O.V. ~

My suitcase weighed a thousand tons. I signed and tried to hurry up. Ellie was infront of me running at top speed. We were late for our plane. It was leaving in 15 minutes and we still had to cross the whole airport. Plus there were millions of people standing around. Suddenly something caught my eye, a blinding flash. My stomach dropped, OH NO! I prayed and slowly turned my eye and prayed it wasn’t true. But it was true, the paparazzi had found us! I sword out of frustration and I think Ellie noticed too because she slowed down and I finally caught up with her. She looked nervous and we exchanged glances.

“What do we do?” whispered Ellie

“Just ignore them and pretend it’s just in the airport. I don’t think we should start running but walk fast.” I mumbled. The worst that could happen now was that if some fans found us. Then we would have to stop and definitely miss our plane. Cher and I quickly moved through the people and finally I could see our gate. We arrived and I pulled out our tickets. If I had actually given Ellie hers she would have lost it a long time ago. The girl scanned our tickets and we were just about to walk onto the bridge to our plane when I heard

“ELLIE! Can we see your ENGAGNEMENT ring?!?!”

Shit, shit, shit, shit! I whirled around and saw a paparazzi running towards us. I grabbed Ellie and pulled her into the doors. I cringed and prayed that Ellie hadn’t heard him. Now the whole freaking world is going to think that Ellie and Harry are getting married. She’s not even 18! AND she CLEARLY stated yesterday that her and Harry didn’t even KNOW each other! I hated stupid rumours that were totally untrue, one of the negatives of being a celebrity. And Ellie wasn’t even a celebrity; this poor girl is having a rough week. We got to our seats (which, btw, were in first class). Ellie and I put our bags away and finally sat down. Ellie of course chose the seat by the window, she loves looking our when we take off. Once we sat down I looked her straight in the eye to read her emotions. She looked pretty happy so I’m guessing she didn’t the paparazzi. I sighed in relief and started to relax.

~Ellie’s P.O.V. ~

Of course I had heard what those (insert swear world that ends with -y of your choice here) paparazzi had said. I was furious but decided to not make Cher worry and pretend I was perfectly fine. I had decided to not society ruin my life with un-true rumours so I decided to just focus on the happy things in life; for example the window seat of an airplane. I just loved looking out the window and seeing the things get smaller and smaller, it was just an overwhelming feeling for me.

The flight attendants came and gave us the safety check, we put on our seatbelts and finally it was time for takeoff. Confession: I’m kind of scared of airplanes taking off; it was just scary flying into the air. I grabbed Cher’s hand and tried to think of something other then plummeting to the ground and smashing into a bazillion pieces. Another confession: I hate it when my ears pop, even if I’m in an elevator it freaks me out. So on an airplane it wasn’t much better. I flinched every single time my ear would pop. Cher threw me a look and I managed a weak smile. She’s knows it’s one of my worst fears but she’s super nice and never mentions it. Once we’re in the air flying and can take off our seat belts I get out a book and start reading. I look over at Cher and she seems to watching some TV show our mini TV screens right in front of us. After half an hour a flight attendant comes along. Her hair is bright red and super frizzy but yet there’s something familiar about her face. She offers me a drink. I ask for some water and she nodds, her voice is so familiar it’s on the tip of my tongue. I look at Cher and she whispers

“Who the hell is that?”

“It’s on the tip of my tongue; I swear if we don’t figure out who it is it will bother me for the rest of my life.” I hiss, who is this mysterious person?

“Do, do I know you?” blurts out Cher. She slaps her hands over her mouth and blushes.

The girl looked surprise but there’s something about her face that tells me that we do know each other she’s just not admitting it.

“Um sorry but I don’t think we’ve met. But if you need anything else my name’s Edaj so you can just call me when ever you need something.” She says her British accent cutting through the air.

When she leaves Cher and I look at each other with concerned expressions.

“We must know her, and she’s British. How many British girls do we know?” questions Cher. She does have a point, we aren’t friends we lots of British teenage girls. But who is it? Her features are so familiar but I just can’t picture her face. I peer at the other flight attendants, there are four teenage girls and then there’s an old one with white hair and wrinkles. The four girls are all giggling and laughing with each other. Hmmmm something seems fishy. I rack my brain but it goes blank. 4 British girls… where could I seen/met them? Well I’m sure Cher will be able to figure it out.

 Can you guys guess who it is? Hmmmm.....I really want to see if anyone gets it....ok bye! :)

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