Chapter 5: They finally meet

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~Ellie's P.O.V.~

As soon as I stepped out of the big black van a billion flashes blinded me like I was looking straight into the sun. It was terrible, I looked over at Cher who had a huge fake smile plastered on too her face. I guess that's what I had to do to, just smile and wave, smile and wave. Cher took my hand and led me over to the red carpet. My smile was starting to hurt and I was seeing to many celebrities I wanted to run over and fangirl in thier face. But the people I was looking out for was the boys. Suddenly I was pulled over to the side and an interviewer showed a camera in my face.

" Hi sweetie, what's you're name?" She said

" name is Ellie." I sttutured I sucked at this, in third grade I fainted infront of the class because I was so nervous. It was pretty bad.

"Are you and Cher related?" She asked, her teeth were so white they were huring my eyes.

"N..No we're not." I replied, I sent Cher a telephatic message saying "Can we please get out of here, this lady is annoying, I don't know how to answer the question, the cameras are blinding me, and I want to see One Direction". I don't think she got my message.

Suddenly I was being pulled away from her and Cher was looking at me with a curious expression on her face.

"You ok Ellie? We had to go because she was interviewing Selena Gomez. You heard that right? You look sick, you should sit down. I know it's probably because of the cameras. It's going to be ok, One Direction hasn't even arrived I asked the girl."

I nodded and sat down, but I hadn't heard the interviewer say anything and my head was spinning. Suddenly I heard millions of people screaming, my vision had gone back to normal until Cher said

"There they are...The boys are here."

I guess I collapsed because I found myself sitting on a chair with a glass of water in my hand.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked Cher curiously. I really wanted to see them now.

"Oh not for long..but One Direction still hasn't come close to us yet. I've seen them a few times but they're all the way on the other side of the red carpet. It would take forever for us to get over there." explained Cher.

This was my chance, all me and Cher had to do was walk across a long and red carpet, not that hard. Right? WRONG! We set off but as soon as I stood up we got stopped for an interview, then we had to take pictures, then Ellen had sent some girls to the show and they were are biggest fans so that took another 15 minutes. Finally after 12 interviews, 34 random questions being thrown into your face, one quick stop (for Cher to fix her shoe), 50 bazillion camera flashes in your face and finaly I caught a glimpse of the boys. I swear to god they are angles from heaven. They are even more beautiful in person, I almost stopped breathing they were so amazing arrggg right in the feels.

"You ok Ellie?" asked Cher.

"Yes I'm fine, it's just that I am actually legit going to talk to One Direction today! I really really can't believe this, I don't know what to say to them! What if they don't like me? What if they think i'm stupid and never want to talk to me?" I started freaking out. So many things could go wrong, but at the same time, so many things could go right. ;)

"Well you wanna go talk to them?" Cher asked, "They look kind of bored, so right now is your only chance."

"Of course I want to meet them!" I practically yelled at her. But what should I say? Hi? Hello? Hey? Vas Happenin? What's a craka laking? Noooo! I should just say Hi that's all.

Cher grabbed my arm and pulled me closer and closer towards the boys.

Their backs were facing us so we had to get their attention, Cher tapped Niall on the back and he turned around.

"Hey Niall, it's Cher! Simon said you wanted to meet me and my friend?" said Cher.

"CHER! HEY! We haven't seen you in such a long time!" shouted Niall. The boys all had big smiles on thief faces and pulled Cher into a group hug. When were they going to notice me!!?!?!?

Cher realised that I was standing their like an idiot and she introduced me to the boys. Ok I admit I do have a favourite, I love love love them all so much I Louis has always been my favourite. Ever since the first video diary his personality and just the way he makes people laugh has made me really like him. Now standing about a centimeter away from him I just wanted to give him a big hug. He was so beautiful.

"So guys, I'm sure Simon already told you but this is Ellie, my best friend in the whole wide world. She is a mega super huge fan of you guys and she's probably trying really hard not to fangirl at the moment." explained Cher.

She was right I was about to explode from all my happiness.

"Umm...Hi.." I squeaked. God I was so nervous! I needed to calm down

"Hello love." said Niall, "Would you like a hug?" 

All I could do was nod, and I have to admit it was a pretty good hug. Then the rest of the boys hugged me, it was THE BEST THING EVER! I held on to Louis the longest and I counted how many seconds our hug lasted. Around 10 seconds, 12 to be exact. :) I was about to explode from all the joy and happiness but Cher whispered in my ear, 

"Ellie we have to go, we can talk to them after but the show is starting soon and we need to get to our seats. Also we can hang out with them after the awards show, that is if you're not that tired." 

Like I'll be tired! But she did have a point, I just love sleeping. BUT if it meant I  could hang out with One Direction then I would stay up for days! So I sadly said my goodbyes and me and Cher went off to find our seats, we ended up somewhere near the front but I all most had a seizure because Taylor Freakin' Swift just sits her little butt right beside me.

"Have you too ever met?" I whisper to Cher motioning to Taylor.

"We haven't but I don't paritcually want to after what she did to Harry, and that's the other thing they would let those two sit close together so my guess is that the boys will be on the other side of the room." whispered back Cher.

I guess Taylor may have heard her name being mentioned because she gave me a dirty look and took out her mirror to fix her makeup. I have her a dirty look right back! Some people are so rude! This is my fail attempt to make conversation with Taylor Swift:

Me: Hey

Taylor: Oh....hi....

Me: I'm Cher Lloyd's friend I really like your music

Taylor: Oh yeah, I've heard of her....oh and thanks

Me: What are you nominated for?

Taylor: Oh you know, a couple

Me: Oh that's cool

Taylor:  ....... *goes back to texting*

Pretty lame I know. Suddenly the lights dim and a voice comes on "Welcome to the 25th EMAs!"

She's not afraid (Cher Lloyd and One Direction Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now