Chapter 50- Bad Morning Much?

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"How was your sleep yesterday?" Vastel's overly excited tone irked me a tad bit. It was too early for his energy.

"Just get to the point, what is it?"

"Oh, nothing, just wanted to tell you that your best friend can be discharged today at about three? She will be thoroughly examined before being sent straight home with one week medical leave, because that is legal procedure. And, also, she would have to revisit the hospital every three weeks. When she can take off her cast, she would have to go to two physiotherapy sessions per week. Not only-"

"Hang on, why are you telling me all these? I'm not her personal guardian, she's an adult, she can handle this," his paragraph of instructions confused me to no end.

"Yeah, but, unfortunately for me, and for you too, as you can see, I was asked by my very beautiful co-worker, who is your best friend's doctor, to tell her family. It is sort of a medical procedure so that the patient can be on time for all their appointments. Airi doesn't want to tell her parents so I can only contact you, since you two are close."

"Okay, that's understandable," I nodded my head, forgetting that he cannot see my body language for that was only a call. (Christ, nobody talks about how dumb I can be sometimes. Like, how did you think he could see you, Tolmer?)

"That's all, talk to you-"

"Wait," I nearly yelled, cutting him off, before he could hang up.

"We'll talk later, I have something to attend to. I'll text you the time and place. Bye."

A screech could be heard from the other end before the call ended hastily. I didn't even have the chance to utter another word to him, I sighed, I felt drained before the day even started, I hadn't even started my job yet.

"Is everything alright?" Luzien asked, his tone gentler than when we had that small talk. We came to a stop in front of the familiar office building.

I forced a disgustingly fake smile, "Yeah, don't worry about it. Let's go, we'll be late."

I reached for the grab handle (Is it what it's called? I don't have a car, I probably got it wrong.), ready to get the hell out of the car, distancing myself from him.

The door refused to open and it wouldn't budge either.

"Even if you force it, it wouldn't open. If you were to break it, you'd have to pay for it," he said, in a very casual manner, hinting me that I had no place to run. There wasn't a way to escape.

"We really should go, we'd be late. I really don't want to disappoint Miss Adro again, she gave me a warning the other day. I still want the promotion you offer, you know," I indicated the fact that I still wanted his offer.

"The promotion...Huh, I thought you needed more time?"

"Well, to be honest, what took me so long was the conflict between work and my best friend," I spat it out, feeling a small child having to choose between their favourite toy or their friend (Not that I'd know how that feels like but leave me be, please.).

"So, what about Airi?"

"Uh, I'd have to leave her behind here. I know I sound childish, but she's really one of the few people I trust."

"I see. I can't help you with that, sadly. It would have been unprofessional of me, don't you agree?"

It was true, I couldn't just ask him to get her into HQ, even with him being the literal CEO of the company.

I nodded, "Yeah, the work place shouldn't be involved with one's private life."

There was a long pause, nobody spoke, the conversation died on my end, and I felt unnatural.

"Can I go now?" I was getting impatient.

"Sure, only if you agree to dinner with me." 

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