Chapter 55- *Awkward Silence Intensifies*

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"Good work, Senikos. That model isn't exactly the easiest to deal with," Miss Adro patted me on the back as praise. My eyes never left her as she walked pass me.

Exhaling the breath I had been holding the moment I saw her, my whole body went limp, easing into a more comfortable pose.

'Two more hours of work, before seeing your brother again!' a little voice cried in my mind. I wasn't exactly hyped or thrilled. I wasn't sure how he would react or what I was going to say. After all, the two interactions with him weren't the greatest.

Although, I did actually wonder what kind of relationship Vastel had with my brother, even when I wasn't in the position to do so.

I groaned, once again burying myself into more unfinished work.


"Are you nervous?" Airi grabbed my hand with her free one, squeezing it a little, in a comforting way.

I nodded. Well, I wasn't exactly nervous, just...scared. I could hear my heart's rapid thumping, almost as if it wanted to jump out of my ribcage, escaping the meeting with my brother. Of course, as much as I wanted it to happen, the possibility of that happening was lower than me suddenly having four legs.

"We'd be fine, Tolmer. He's your brother and he probably wants you back in his life," Vastel ruffled my hair before opening the door of the café for Airi.

'Probably,' my mind echoed. 'He said probably.'

We sat down at the same table as we did last time. Airi grinned at me, she jokingly said, "Imagine if Luzien shows up again."

"Don't," Vastel hissed.

She retreated back into her seat, mumbling, "I'm just saying."

I leaned forward towards Vastel, "We are supposed to meet him here? Like, in here?"

"Yup, Airi somehow convinced his lady boss to let him off the night shift so he can meet up with us. Apparently, he was in there too, so Airi told him when and where to meet up," he said, turning to get the waitress' attention.

We sat there, waiting for both my brother and things Vastel ordered. I wasn't really in a mood to eat or drink, all I wanted was for my brother to hopefully show up and we can maybe talk.


Thirty long minutes of the three of us sitting in silence, I had had enough. I could never stand the silence, it was killing me to say something. Every moment without my brother's presence was slowly killing me.

"What time did you tell him to come?" I asked Airi, feeling a little annoyed.

Without even looking up from her phone, she replied, "Seven. He's thirty minutes late, I know."

"Actually," an unfamiliar voice came from behind, capturing all of our attention, "It's she today."

The same lady from the security footage appeared in front of our table. This time, she wore a simple black skirt and a white shirt with a black leather jacket to top it off. Her outfit alone drew a lot of attention.

Airi got up from her seat, "Lady, we are waiting for a dude. Maybe you-"

Vastel's head hung low as he tugged Airi on her sleeve, "No, it's her."


"That's right, darling. You are supposed to meet me," the lady (who I figured out was supposed to be my brother. Everything about the both of them are very much indiscernible. ) sat down in the empty spot beside Vastel.

Airi flopped back down onto her seat, trying processing what was happening. "Okay, wait, so you're telling me, that you aren't Tol's brother's secret twin and you are in fact his brother?"

"Yes, and no," my sibling (I don't know how to address them yet.) answered her. "I am Tolmer's brother, but I'm what people call gender fluid. It's not a convenient thing for me to get out of situations. I carry along extra clothing in case my gender, kinda, switches all of a sudden so I feel more comfortable and not break down and have gender dysphoria because of how I dress."

"So, uh, what do I address you as now?" I scratched my neck, hoping that I hadn't offended her.

"In a way, I'm your sister. Technically, you have both a brother and a sister." Her formal posture never changed from the start. Her back was as straight as how it was from the start and how she talked was distant.

Vastel sat in his corner, oddly quiet. He hadn't said anything or made eye contact with anyone since she sat down beside him. He was the one who had always wanted to talk to her from the start, he was so determined to find her. But why was he silent now that the real thing was in front of him?

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