Chapter 25- Shut Up, I Know I'm Thirsty

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All three of us sat down on the floor, in front of my coffee table, having cake. The cake was good, but the atmosphere was tense. For some reasons it was really quiet.

"So it's okay for us to call you Luzien outside of work?" Airi asked, still stuffing her face with cake.

Fancy-Ass nodded, "Sure, I'm not your boss outside of work, am I?"

Airi made a sound of agreement, "What's up with you and Tol? You guys seem close."

"You know, just friends," Fancy-Ass shrugged. (Friends my ass, no pun intended)

"Really?" Airi smirked at him, "Careful, don't fall in love with him now, he's mine."

"Oh, I thought you said you guys weren't dating?" Fancy-Ass challenged.

Airi grinned, "That doesn't mean he can't be friends with me for forever."

"Right, because he won't have a social life. Yes, very nice of you," Fancy-Ass mocked.

They continued to bicker about me as if I wasn't there. Even when I did remind them I was right there, they'd turn their heads and say, "Hush, this has nothing to do with you." I was pretty certain that everything they were fighting about was about me. Hey, at least it was entertaining.

"Alright, alright, I'm pretty sure you are mad in love with him now," Airi teased.

Fancy-Ass' face instantly brunt up, "No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not!" He persisted.

The more he denied, the more Airi teased him.

It wasn't like it wasn't fun to watch them, but I really didn't want to know if he had feelings for me or not. It would ruin everything. It wasn't that I wouldn't give him a chance, it was just that I had a lot on my plate. Adding him into my plate would just burden me.

"I'm tired," Airi yawned. "Stay over, yeah? Luzien?"

"No, I'll head back now," Fancy-Ass started to get up.

"Hey, it's late. Just stay over for a night. It won't hurt," Airi told him sleepily. "You can share a bed with Tol, I want his couch."

"No, it's okay. I've disturbed both of you," he said as he grabbed his jacket.

"Tol won't mind," Airi replied, signaling me to let him stay.

"Y-yeah, I have clothes you can wear. Don't worry about it. It's late, you might not want to drive alone," I forced a smile.

He looked at me for confirmation, "Really? Are you sure?"

I shrugged, "I don't see why not. It's just that it'll be a bit crammed if we slept on the same bed. If you don't mind it, it's fine."

"Oh, no, I'm happy that you wanted me to stay," the corners of his lips went up as we spoke. He set down his jacket before following me to my closet.

I handed him the largest shirt and pants I could find. He headed off into the bathroom to change. I could hear grunts and noises of frustration as he attempted (I think) to put on the clothes.

"We...might have a slight problem," he sounded unsure from inside.

"Is it too small?" I asked, probably the dumbest question of the day.

He opened the door, revealing him in my very tight outfit. His chest and his upper arms were basically stretching the fabric. His pants fitted fine, I think. There were no signs of discomfort at all, the lower half, I mean.

"Take off the shirt?" I suggested while trying to hold back a laugh. Of course, I failed.

"Hardy har har, very funny," he rolled his eyes sarcastically, still trying to get the shirt off.

I turned to check on Airi, only to see her already sound asleep. It had been quite a day, after all.

"Let's go," Fancy-Ass tapped my shoulder.

My jaw nearly dropped, seeing how well built his body was. I could tell that I was drooling just looking at his back as he walked pass me. Goodness, his body looked like a Roman god sculpture (very cliché comparison, but very true). I could imagine how perfect his lower body was too (Please, no dirty thoughts, just appreciation of the beauty).

"If you are done zoning out, let's go to sleep," his voice snapped me back into reality.

I blushed, "R-right, let's go."

Holy, crap. I was still processing how I had to sleep beside a literal god-like body.

'Dear gods, I hope I don't die from perfection overload,' I prayed silently as we walked into my room. 

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