Chapter 11- So, I Might Have A Brother

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"I'm sorry I troubled you yesterday," I mumbled, grabbing a chair, settling myself down at the table, knowing well that Vino probably caused him lots of trouble.

He set two plates of really mouth-watering food onto the table before sitting across me. Handing me a plate full with crispy looking bacons, golden brown pancake, and  gooey scramble eggs, he said, "Don't worry about it, though, can I ask you something?"

I looked at him, signalling for him to go on. He scratched his left cheek lightly and proceeded to say, "So, I know it was rude for me to just cut in on your date last night."

"It wasn't a date, just some discussion about work but go on."

"Right, sorry. Anyway, you just look very similar to a person I have been looking for. Your features and his look too alike, I had to confirm for myself. May I ask, do you have any siblings? A brother, to be specific?

Woah, that was where I drew the line. I knew nothing about the guy except for he had really bad taste in dressing up himself. I wasn't just going to give out any of my information, especially not with that cliché story.

It must have been obvious that I looked uncomfortable and suspicious of his story. "I'm Vastel Von Ludwig, a psychologist at Hospital Henien. I have been looking for a close friend of mine for a very long time," he introduced himself.

He took a bite of his food (I was surprised that he had any appetite at all, actually, but, sure) before he continued to explain, "You see, I thought I saw him at a bar a few nights ago, At Nyx, to be exact. I tried to confirm if it was him but I lost him in the crowds."

Listening to this, I remembered that I was there the night before yesterday, before I went to the club. I wasn't sure if it was me he saw but I decided to not say anything first, just in case.

Upon my refusal to talk, he sighed, "He was a good friend, a really smart person too. He just disappeared one day when we were in high school. Everybody was worried about him, the teachers tried going to his house, trying to figure out what was going on. But, he filled in an address that was not his. No one knew where he was. Until all of us saw the news. He did something that was illegal, really illegal. It would have seemed almost cruel if anyone heard what he had done and not know why he had did it."

That fuelled my curiosity, "What...what was it?"

"He killed two people. He killed two people, his parents. When he was arrested, he was found hugging an unconscious body tightly. The police questioned him, he admitted it, claimed that it was elf defense. The person that he was holding tightly was his brother. His father was stabbed 17 times and his mother, she was hit in the face with a vodka bottle, and her face was bashed repeatedly with the broken bottle. His brother was badly beaten, scars were found on both their bodies." He sighed, "He did it all for his brother."

Hearing him saying that made my stomach churn, the half chewed bacon sat in my mouth, I was unable to swallow another bite. He continued eating with no problem, and i really envied that. In between bites, he said, "The judge sympathised with him, his punishment was 10 years in jail. This year was supposed to his second year out of jail but he had not contacted any of his friends from high school. And, I have also been looking for him ever since he got out of jail."

"What's his name?" I asked, after forcing myself to swallow the saliva covered bacon.I was not ready for whatever that came out of his mouth but I had to know, I had to be sure. I was sick of being clueless about my past. I vaguely what had happened. I knew that I had a brother, he killed our parents. Other than that, I was not told anything, no names, no pictures, no details, nothing. I was tired of being the only one who did not know anything, I had to know, even if I was not ready.

He swallowed his last bite of food, "His name? It's Cebario Senikos."

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