Chapter 39- Hold Up

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I knew there was no way I could chase after her without knowing what she was wearing or where she could be heading to. My only instinct was to head to Mrs. Sia's shop, since my potential brother could be there and she could have connections with him. She might be the key, the key to my past, my brother, my whole life.

I ran, dashing towards the place that could contain all my secrets. I never thought that it could be so close now, I was scared to get my hopes up yet I was so excited. I rushed there, as if I was playing catch with my locked unknown past. I could be free from all of the guessing, all of the misery of not knowing anything. I was sick and tired of being ignorant of something I should know.


I nearly ran into the glass door when I had arrived. I peeked into the shop, yet Mrs. Sia was nowhere to be found, and so was the lady. The only person in sight was "Sebastian". Perhaps it was because I kept staring, but we made eye contact on accident. I turned around to clear my throat, took a deep breath to calm myself down. I had to confront him, I couldn't take it anymore.

I gathered all the courage I had and stepped in. I asked, "Excuse me, is Mrs. Sia here?"

He shook his head, "Nah, she went out. What can I do for you today?"

Great, this is my chance!

"Uh, so, do you have time right now? I kinda need to speak to you for a while," I asked, sounding a bit too careful.

He raised his eyebrow, "I mean, there aren't any customers now, so sure. Okay. What's up?"

I whipped up my phone to press the record button before sitting us down at a table. I felt bad enough already that Airi and Vastel couldn't be there, they had the rights to do so, but unfortunate events occur.

"Is it alright to ask you private questions?" I started, not wanting to sound creepy.

"Preferably not, obviously. That would be weird," he answered, looking at me, he looked oddly calm, yet, an unexplainable aura could be felt in the atmosphere.

I forced a smile, "True, that would be weird. How long have you worked here, by the way? I'm very curios since you can perfect the macarons."

"Uh, about a few weeks? I just kept practicing, I just kept practicing, y'know. It's not that hard."

I nodded, moving on to his tattoo, "Oh, nice tattoo. Is there a special meaning behind this?"

"Um, it's just something I did with a special someone a long time ago." He looked at it, brushing it a few times. "Why are you interested though?"

A cold chill when down my spine. I replied, trying to sound as friendly as possible, "Let's just say I want to befriend you. You know, since you work here and all, might as well be friends with you."

"That's it?"

"Yup, that's it."

He let out a sigh, "Oh, I thought you were an FBI agent or something with all the questions."

"Haha, no. Of course not. I'm just a fashion designer," I scratched my eyebrow lightly. I felt nervous talking to my potential brother if I had to be honest.

"From Kaiser?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"It's only down the street, so I guessed."

I nodded, "Do you, uh, do you maybe want to hang out sometimes?"

"Is it a date? 'Cause I don't do dates."

"No? More like it's just two people hanging out with each other."

"I know, I was just joking. Is Airi or Vastel going to come though?"

Hang on, what?   

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