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Where we left off
Once the duo made their way over to Izuku, they were just as shocked as his classmates, he looked so different and was covered in blood. Aizawa couldn't be bother to ask question right now, so he just decide to wrapped Izuku in his Capture Weapon, careful not to grab his arms to hard, but hard enough so he couldn't escape, and dragged him to Recovery Girls office once again. All Might stayed behind to question everyone on what had happened and to try and figure out why he was covered in blood.

3rd POV
The trip to the office was tense, like you could cut it with a knife. Izuku had taken the time to try and find a way out of the Capture Weapon and after a few minutes of shifting and struggling Aizawa said, "That's not gonna work, just stop until we get to Recovery Girls office." With that, Izuku stopped moving but didn't relax. Aizawa sighed in relief, not knowing Izuku was secretly planning his escape. They arrived at the office and Aizawa walked in, still dragging Izuku behind him. Aizawa walked over to the bed and placed Izuku on it, then deciding to wait in front of the door, just in case he tried to make a run for it. Recovery Girl walked in and looked at Izuku, she just sighed and turned to Aizawa, starting to question him, "What the hell happened?" "I don't know, Nezu just informed me he was in the cafeteria and I went to get him. When I got there, he was already like this and he hasn't spoken a word about how or what happened." "God, Toshi and this kid are gonna be the death of me, I swear." "You and me both Recovery Girl... you and me both." Meanwhile, what they didn't notice was Izuku sneaking his way over to the window and unlatching the locks. A knock on the door, caused the talking pair to turn around, it was Nezu and All Might. The adults talked for a few minutes before turning their attention back to Izuku.  

Aizawa: "I'm going to ask you some questions, you will answer okay?"

Izuku: "Yeah, yeah, whatever... old man."

Aizawa: "What the actually hell Midoriya?! Where in the world have you been this whole time!?"

Izuku: "Living, breathing, eating, trying not to die."

Aizawa: "You know that's not what I meant."

Izuku: "Yes, but technically I answered your question correctly."

Aizawa: "God, you're going to be the death of me."

Izuku: "Incorrect and correct, you will either die from: old age, villains, or class 1a in general, take your pick."

Aizawa: "... are you ACTUALLY kidding me!"

Izuku: "Nope, at least, I don't think I am."

Aizawa: "...I'm done. Just tell us what's going on or I'm going to expel you."

Izuku: "Well, Shigiraki wants me dead or alive, most preferably alive though."

Aizawa: "Yeah, we know that much. Anything else?"

Izuku: "Hmmm, I don't think there is anything else important. Oh, and I almost forgot, the League of Villains are gonna come U.A. soon."

All except Nezu: "Wait... WHAT?!"

Izuku: "He ain't very happy about something, I think I know what but I'm not gonna say. Can I leave now?"

Aizawa: "No, we still have some more questions."

Izuku: "How rude."

Aizawa: "No, not how rude, I should be saying that. Like, you attitude, it's worse than Bakugo's.

Izuku: "And your point is? You deal with his, so why can't you at least try and deal with mine?"

Aizawa: "This is EXCATLY what I'm talking about! Okay, first question: When you were at the collapsed building, you had black ribbon or whatever it was coming out of your arms, what was that?"

Izuku: "Why would I tell you? It's a secret between All Might, a few others, and myself."

The teachers turn to All Might who looks just as confused as them, the teachers discuss his response for a moment before Recovery Girl brings up one forgotten fact, "Didn't he say the LOV was going to attack U.A? How did he know?" There was an uncomfortably long silence, realising the seriousness of her question, before Nezu said, "What are you doing?", the teachers turned to notice Izuku standing in front of the window, it was now fully open, Nezu kept speaking, "You realise we are on the fourth floor right?" (Don't know what floor it is on in the anime; I believe it's the 1st but for the story purposes it gonna be on the 4th, they use elevators and stairs). Izuku just gave him a blank look before laughing, concerning the other teachers, "Yea, yea! I know we on the fourth floor, that's why I have enough confidence to do this!", with the final word spoken, he flung himself out the window, much to the surprise and shock of the teachers. Aizawa bolted towards to the window and stretching out his arms, he threw out his Capture Weapon out towards Izuku's slowly falling body and just missing his foot, his Capture Weapon just slipping from around his ankle. He and the other teachers watched in horror as he fell towards the ground, suddenly Blackwhip came out of his arms and caught him moments before he hit the floor, much to the relief of the teachers. Once he landed, he laid out in a star shape before he giggled, that slowly evolved into a laugh. All the teachers ran to the window and looked down on him checking to see if he was alright. He jumped up off the ground and began to walk off towards the dorms, the teachers still confused, walked off to complete their nightly activities and reflect on the day's events. Once at the dorms, Izuku headed straight to his room, once in he began to take down most of his All Might merch, stilling leaving up a few posters and a few figurines out. He swapped out his duvet for a black and green one before he decided to head to the roof and wait for Shigaraki and LOV to show up.  

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