Holidays pt. 5: Change and Bounty

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Where we left off
Inko smiled, happy her son wanted her included in his life, she happily accepted and hugged her son. Izuku said they should sleep because they would have a busy day and night the next day, Inko agreed and two set off to sleep.

3rd POV.

<Time skip – 1 week later (Second/ Last week of holidays: Monday)>

Over the past week, a lot had changed for Kiyoshi, Izuku, and Inko. Izuku had shown his mom to the coffee shop he loved so much, and Ryan, his favourite worker, he took his mom there almost every day. He also changed his look and hair style, he work more dark, revealing, edgy clothes, he went out to the store and brought black hair dye, he used the black dye on the top of his hair, giving it a faded look, black at the top to green at the bottom. The change in Izuku appearance shocked Inko, she initially questioned it at first but when she saw her son watching videos on how to be more assertive and to stand up for himself, she understood why he wanted to change it. Inko was happy that he was doing something to make him feel more confident and less shy, he needed the boost. Izuku had also closely studied the handbooks and manuals he had found, he used his new phone, which he kept hidden from his mom, to contact Crimson Cat, he used another couple of grand to obtain some specific parts and metal, as well as some more cigarettes. He used this to create metal braces that went around both him and his mother's wrists, the braces were magnetic and had 3 lights and a button on them, he also made 6 bases plates. On the braces, the button activated the magnets, and the three lights each meant different things: Blue meant the braces were turned on, Purple meant they were ready to connect to the bases, and Green meant the magnets had connected with the bases. The bases were round metallic discs with coded microchips in the, they were activated when the braces were turned on and off, however, they were much more difficult to install. As they would be flying on Kiyoshi's, the bases had to be connected to him, they couldn't be above the skin as they would fall off... so they had to be placed under his skin. It was painful to both Kiyoshi and Izuku, regeneration did stop the pain as Izuku was forced to cut his thick skin and plant the bases in him, there was 1 plate placed in each of Kiyoshi's hand's and the remaining 6 were placed in his back. Once the procedure was over, Izuku tested both braces, all the lights on both braces worked and they connected well. The final test was to see how they worked flying, at 12pm on Sunday night, Izuku activated the braces and connected himself to the back of Kiyoshi, once all the lights were lite up he gave the signal and they were off.

Izuku POV.

I gave Kiyoshi the signal and we sped down the tunnel, the wind rushed through my hair and sent chills down my spine. As we near the end of the tunnel I get ready to pull, if I didn't time this correctly, there was a chance we could crash. The moment we exit the tunnel, I push my feet out and pull my hands close to me as fast as possible and we shoot upwards. We reached the cloud and Kiyoshi glided along with the wind, in and out of the clouds, the pitch-black sky made the clouds shine in the moon light and the stars above sparkled even brighter. "Wow," I said, "It beautiful up here isn't it, Kiyoshi?" "Yes, it is Izuku,", Kiyoshi responded as he flew back down, "Do you want to bring your mom up for a ride?" I smiled, of course. Kiyoshi landed and I called mum over, she walked over and asked, "Yes Izuku?" "Do you want to go for a ride, its safe, I check the braces and they work.", I respond. "Sure, I would love to.", mom smiled as Kiyoshi lifted her onto his back and we took off once more.

Aizawa POV.
As an underground pro, I lived in the shadows, barley anyone knew who I was, it made it easier to keep an eye on criminals and villains, it also meant it was easy for me to keep an eye on the underground. The underground was Japans villain network, it was spread across all cities and all criminals, hitmen, assassins, and villains all worked under its influence, except vigilantes, they were just annoying. It was 6am, as I ran along the roof top's as I remember how busy of a night it was again, I had run into so many problems and fights, everyone looking for some sort of information which police could never seem to get out of them. All underground pros had been on high alert since Monday, when all this ruckus started, it wasn't a good sign, it mean someone wanted something... or someone. It was annoying at times, having to show police my ID and have them call the station to verify who I was. As an underground pro, I was trained to notice the smallest of things, such as the hush whispers in one of the alleyways below, I crouched down and crept my way forwards, listening to the conversation between the 2.

Random Criminal 1: "So, who are we and everyone else looking for again? And who wants them anyways?"

'Great', I thought, 'they're is looking someone.'

Random Criminal 2: "I don't remember, look at the bounty poster, they were given to everyone for a reason."

'A bounty poster?!  This is bad, they are rarely sent out anymore. Whoever is looking for this person is serious.'

Random Criminal 1: "Let's see... Shigaraki wants them, cash rewards for information given about them. Wow, he has written, and I quote, 'Anyone who captures him alive will receive immunity and be placed under protection of the LOV.'"

'The LOV?! Who do they want so badly, we need to get to them first, especially if the reward is so high.'

Random Criminal 2: "I don't want that, who is the person we are looking for?"

Random Criminal 1: "Well, he's been missing for a week now, no one can manage to find them..."


Random Criminal 1: "They're in first year, at UA..."

'You've got to be kidding me'

Random Criminal 1: "Green hair, green eyes and a strength quirk..."

'Wait... don't tell me..."

Random Criminal 1: "Izuku Midoriya."


I dropped down into the alleyway knocking out the two villains before they have the chance to fight, I tie them up using my Capture Weapon before calling the police. I walk over and pick up the bounty poster, a picture of problem child and all the information the criminal pointed out before, 'God, what do they want with you?' I scroll through my contacts and call Nezu, him picking up immediately.

Nezu: "Hello Erasure Head, to what to I owe the pleasure of you calling?"

Aizawa: "Can you organise a meeting with the staff, later this morning, I have some bad news... it's harder to explain over the phone but it's of extreme importance."

Nezu: "I will organise the meeting one-hour form now, as everyone is mostly here anyways getting ready for next week. I will see you then Erasure Head."

Nezu hung up just a the police arrived, I went through the painful process of showing them my ID and waiting for the call to the station, I gave the bounty poster to the police after taking a photo of it, before heading off towards U.A.

It was now 7am and I was already in the meeting room of U.A., leading against the wall next to the door, and as much as I wanted to be at home asleep, we had more pressing matters to attend to. One by one, all the teachers filed in, taking their seats at the table, the teachers there were: Nezu, All Might, Gran Torino (he was with All Might), Hound Dog, Thirteen, Recovery Girl, Vlad King, Present Mic, Midnight, Power Loader, Snipe, Ectoplasm, Lunch Rush, and Cementoss. Once everyone was their seats, Nezu spoke up, "Good morning everyone, you must be wondering why I asked you here this morning. Well truth is I don't know, Erasure Head asked for this meeting so I will pass it over to him." I got off the wall and made my way to the T.V. attached, "I asked for you here today because we have a major problem. Since last Monday, criminal activity has been unusually high, every time we caught someone and tried to figure out why, they would never talk. Just discovered this morning, I finally figured out why, it is because a bounty poster had been sent." All the teachers, including Nezu look shocked, "Wasn't that they really old way to hunt someone down. Isn't that only used now when they are really desperate or serious about finding a person.", asked Midnight. "Yes, and unfortunately for us... it's one of our first-year students," I hooked my phone up to the T.V. to show the poster of Midoriya, "Midoriya has been missing for about a week now, and as you can see Shigaraki wants, but for what reason, we don't know." The teachers look alarmed, "Wait, missing?", asked All Might. I sigh, "Yes, he hasn't been seen in a week, nor has his mother, I check with his friends haven't heard from him since the second last week of school when he left. We need to find him, and fast, especially if this many people are looking for him." All the other teachers nod in agreeance, Nezu speaks up, "Alright everyone, I call this meeting over. We will continue to investigate Midoriya's case and inform you if any information comes up." With that the teaches left the room, returning to their work leaving me to head back to my office to prepare for class next week.  


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while life's been a pain in the ass.  sorry about any errors, hopefully will update again soon. baiii

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