Someone's a little angry

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Where we left off
The dust below me picks up and make it way into my eyes and throat, I feel Shigaraki kneel into my back, pinning me into the ground. He tightens his grip on my throat as I begin to choke, I try to get up but using my quirk, but it was too dangerous, just one more finger and I'd be gone. A sudden breath on my neck, sending a shiver down my spine, "I guess you will be dying alone, goodbye, little hero." I close my eyes and try to think of something, anything that I could do. I thought I was all over until I feel something hot run along my body and a loud bang, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YA DAMN NERD, GET UP!!" I smirk once I release who it was. It was Kacchan.

3rd POV.
The moment the flames subside, Izuku jumped to his feet and glue his eyes on Shigaraki, knowing that he couldn't take his eyes off him again. That was a near fatal mistake, and it wouldn't be happening again. Bakugo landed next to him as Shigaraki tumbled his way back up on to his feet after the blow. Izuku inwardly wince at the burn which now covered his right rib cage, the skin was already red and puffy, blisters slowly began to form in random splotches, surrounded by blood.

 "Sorry not sorry Kacchan! I couldn't really do much there, could I?!" Izuku spoke loudly. "DON'T GET SNARKY WITH ME NERD!" Bakugo yelled back. "Yea, yea, Kacchan." They turned their attention to a sudden movement, a portal opening behind Shigaraki. As the portal begins to grow rapidly in size, a handful of small-time villains walk out and stand just behind Shigaraki. "You know...", Shigaraki said in an agitated tone, "you two are really getting on my nerves, and I've had ENOUGH OF YOU RUINING MY PLANS!"

Bakugo and Izuku drop into stance, ready to fight as Shigaraki holds up his hand, signaling for the villains to attack us. The five villains run at the boys, three going in the direction of Bakugo, and two towards Izuku, alongside Shigaraki. He powered up Black Whip and launch it towards the villain closest to him, the villain lunged to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack. Seeming out of nowhere, knives began to appear in the air, surrounding the villain's body with a purple aura. 

The knives then launched one by one at deku as the second villain came up on his right side to attack. Izuku narrowly avoided the jab at his ribs, dropping to the ground on his stomach, tripping the second villain over in the process. He brought himself to a crouch and rolled to the right as the knives whizzed past where he was once standing. Izuku spun his head to in the direction which the villain fell in to see him sprawled across Shigaraki, he snickered and powered up One for All, launching himself above the ground as more knives whizzed past.

He took a moment to glance over at his fighting friend, the villains who Bakugo was fight were at a distance from him, covered in minor burns and scuff marks. Izuku turned his attention back to the fight at hand once he had delt with these villains he would then go and assist Bakugo and the others. He launched Black Whip the knife throwing villain, sending his body flying through the forest and directly in the path of a tree. The villain burst through the tree, sending the tree flying apart, smashing it to smithereens. 

'One down, two to go.', thought Izuku. He turned his full attention to Shigaraki and the second villain, who were already up on their feet and making their way towards him. Shigaraki ran towards the front of him and the other villain more to his left, he sent black whip flying at the pair. Shigaraki gripped it with his hand, causing it to crumble and the other villains grabbed it, using it to launch himself at Izuku.

In a moment's panic, he also powered up One for All, jumping 300ft up into the air, dragging the two villains with him. The villains had gripped on to the black tentacles, Shigaraki delaying his decay to ensure that he wouldn't plummet. Izuku thought he now had the high ground (pun not intended... maybe... a little), but he was sorely mistaken. His body suddenly seized up; the backlash of Black Whip pumping convulses of pain throughout his body. It flashed back into his body, painfully retracting back under his skin, sending trembles throughout his body. 

They all began to pick up speed as they plummeted back to the ground, the wind rushing past them as the descend. Izuku tried to re-activate Black Whip, even One for All in general, but to no avail, he was unable to activate anything. The ground was closing in and not caring about the villains around him, he braced himself for the inevitable impact.

Izuku Pov.
I brace my arms around my head, the rushing sensation making my head ache, when there was no impact, just a familiar, tight, constricting feeling around my chest. I turns my head to face my saviour with an unsteady smirk on my face, "Erasurehead, nice to cya! Thanks for the save! Would'a been toast... or more like dust". "You're good Problem child.  What's the situation?" Erasurehead spoke hurriedly. "Shigaraki is pissed and has two others with him, one shoots knives and other is unknown. Another three went after Kacchan." 

I swing around to see Shigaraki piled on the two villians, having used them to break his fall. I look past the pile of people to see Kacchan fighting off one of the other villains. The other two already discarded on the ground, covered in scuff and burn marks. A throws a final explosion towards the villain who tries desperately to avoid the impact but is unsuccessful. They fall to the ground and their head bounces as they roll back. He smirks and turns back to face Erasurehead and myself, "WHAT THE DAMN HELL ARE YOU STARING AT NERD!", he yells as he storms his way over. 

I shake my head and turn to survey my classmates, they were all in small groups working to keep the villains at bay. Loud banging resonates in the sky as Kiyoshi fights the other nomu. "No no no no no no no NO NO!" Shigaraki's voice makes itself known behind us., "This WASN'T how this as meant TO GO!" I turn around ready to fight once again, Erasurehead ensures he is a few a steps ahead of me and activates his quirk, erasing his quirk. Shigaraki yells out in frustration and kicks at the ground below him, "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS GET IN MY WAY!" "It's my specialty", I yell back. 

He glares at me before taking a quick glance around, the majority of the small time villains he brought with him have been subdued by the other member of the class and are now being restrained. Realising that they are outnumbers, he glares at us once more before Kurogiri's portal appears and he goes to leave, not before turning to face us, "This isn't over hero's. I will get my nomu back, one way or another." 


Apologies for the long, long awaited chapter. Was in my final year of school and had some family and personal issues to attend to. To all those who come back, hope you enjoy

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