Let the games begin

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Where we left off (Friday)
The teachers watched as the timer hit 0. All Might hit the buzzer, sounding the siren. Then, without warning, the screen turned a see through blue and all the drones started going offline.

3rd person POV.
The teachers sat up in alarm, noticing the drone slowly going offline. Aizawa walked over to the panel, turning on the security cameras that where around all the building. Angling then upwards, they look to see an ice dome, surround the entire Ground Beta. As the ice dome formed, they noticed large pillars of ice, hanging from the ceiling. Not even a minutes later, the dome gave a loud crash as it hit the grounds outside the fields, encasing the students in a dark, cold icy prison. All Might was the first to speak up, "Well, that was unexpected." "Yeah, it was", Aizawa responded, "now let's watch and see what happens next."

Todoroki finished the ice dome with a crash, it landed outside the grounds, causing the grounds to be plunged into darkness. The rest of the teams started to look for the source, which they all knew, Todoroki. All the teams noticed the largest pillar was hanging above the center of the grounds. All the teams made their way to the center, not noticing the trap that laid ahead of them. Iida teams had been making their way to sneak up behind Izuku's teams, heading from the direction of the exit. As they approached Iida, Shoji, Asui, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu were walking ahead, but unknown to them, straight into Mineta's trap. As soon as they reached the surrounding building they approached down the alleyway, noticing the area in front of them was blockaded by Mineta's balls, they turned around to go back the way they came. However, whilst they were turned Mineta placed balls behind them, trapping them in. They noticed this and huddled together to plan a way out, then, from out of nowhere Mineta appeared behind them. He stuck them all to the floor before using a broken pipe to knock them out. "We now have our first team out", announced All Might, "Iida and his team have been eliminated by... Mineta!" Everyone except Izuku looked shocked as it had only been a few minutes, as well as the fact it had been Mineta to get them out. They all knew to be careful of Izuku's team now, if he had chosen them, he had a reason. The two remaining teams made their way forwards, noticing the trap. They made their way to the only entry point at the same time. The teams noticed how quite it was and proceed with caution, each team on either side of the road, not noticing one another. They kept walking until they reached the center of the field, looking up to notice both the giant pillar above them, and then, each other. Upon seeing each other, they forgot about the pillar and went to attack each other. Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Sato and Hagakure engaged in what should have been a ferocious against Sero, Kaminari, Aoyama, Ojiro and Koda. However, before any damage could be done Dark Shadow appeared beside them, swiping them all into the building behind them. As they recovered, Dark Shadow stood in the center of the road, as though he was waiting for them. The teams regained their balance before charging again. As the charged Todoroki created an ice slide from the building to the ground, allowing Jiro to slide down to the teams. None of them noticed this. Charging at Dark Shadow once again, this time everyone but Aoyama and Bakugo kept him in an enclosed space. Once they had him in position Aoyama and Bakugo hit him with as much light as possible. After a minute, Aoyama's stomach couldn't hold out and he passed out due to pain, whilst Dark Shadow fell unconscious due to exposure to too much brightness. Everyone was now standing underneath the ice pillar. Todoroki then side down the ice slide into everyone's view. The teams readied their quirks to fight one another, glaring at the opposing team members. However, before any of the teams could deliver a blow on Todoroki and each other, the ground below them trembled, shaking them, the buildings surrounding them, and all the pillars that hung from above start shaking violently. The teams and teachers (who are in the viewing booth) look at each other in concern as the entire grounds continued to shake. Izuku's team that was conscious had already retreated into the building where Todoroki and Jiro once hid. One building began to shake fastest than the others, a green glow was being produced from the top. A flash of green light was seen jumping from each corner of the ground, and finally back to the center, landing in front of the teams, right near their entry point. The teams look to see Izuku smirking at them before saying, "I hope you don't mind the cold." Bakugo launched himself at Izuku as he ran out of the entrance, before anyone else could follow, they hear cracking. They look up to discover all the pillars that had been attached to the roof of the ice dome falling apart and crumbling to the ground. Before anyone could react, the massive pillar above them cracked and fell. Trapping the students and the entire Ground Beta, underneath mounds of ice.

The teachers jolted up in both concern and shock, "What is the world just happened?", asked All Might. "Midoriya planned to lure the teams to the center, that's where the largest pillar was. He made sure that they would be there so he could trap them all in ice. Mineta's ball where there to guide those who weren't caught in his trap would be led to the only entrance. He then used Jiro's quirk to make the ice unstable, making it easier to break. What surprised me was he did it over the entire field, he anticipated Bakugo coming after him and leaving his team behind.", Aizawa responded, still shocked at the effort Midoriya was putting into this. A loud, "BOOM", was heard from the speakers, the teachers turned to see Midoriya and Bakugo in a standoff on the main road. They listen in to hear the conversation. "What the hell was that you damn nerd!", Bakugo yelled. 'No surprise there', thought the teachers. What surprised them both was how Midoriya responded, "A plan... dumbass." This seemed to enrage Bakugo as he blasted himself towards Midoriya. It wasn't as strong though due to the ice everywhere. This has been Midoriya's plan all along", said Aizawa, "he knew Bakugo would come after him, so he made the playing field to his advantage. He and work well in any weather, whereas Bakugo's quirk struggles to work as well in the cold and wet." All Might looked shocked to say the least, he knew Midoriya's planning was well thought, but not this much. The teachers turned their attention back to the screen, to see Bakugo about to make contact with Midoriya.


was the final battle.

Hey guys, sorry this was such a long chapter, I will update again soon. Life's been kind shitty right now so now I'm gonna update whenever, not every week.  Sorry that it's badly edited and has bad grammar, ill try and get it better.  Bai

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