I mean, he said would

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Where we left off
A loud roar suddenly apparated out of nowhere scaring everybody but Inko and Izuku, and a gust of wind knocked over the LOV members creating a large cloud of dust... when the dust had settled, Inko was gone. The everybody looked on in confusion and Shigiraki just looked pissed, "What have you done you foolish brat!", Izuku smirked, "Exactly what I said I would." Then without warning, he jumped off the edge of the building, then another massive gust of wind went by. His class and teachers ran forward in concern, but they looked down to discover he was gone

3rd POV
The LOV, teachers, and class 1A looked around in the hopes of find Inko and Izuku duo, but they were nowhere to be seen. They had simply vanished. A frustrated scream came from the center of the field. They turn their attention back to the villains who are still standing in the middle of the field, Shigaraki was furiously scratching his neck, blooding begging to seep out of long deep scratch marks which were appearing as his hand movements became more violent. "... stupid brat... incompetent dumbasses...", Shigaraki mumbling gradually became louder and louder to the point where he was yelling, "YOU STUPID BRAT! WHERE DID YOU GO! GET BACK HERE!" All Might, Erasurehead, and Class 1A were prepared to battle when the wind above them suddenly began to be stronger, the used their arms to shield their face as the dust violently swirled around them. A large thud echoed across the field as something large landed on the roof. The dust settled to reveal a humongous nomu, and on its back were Izuku and Inko. Everyone got ready to attack, believe their friend and his mother had been taken captive, that was until Kiyoshi knelt and held out his arm, allowing Inko the opportunity to climb down. Everyone was standing in shock, weren't the nomu's working under the LOV? Izuku noticed their confused faces and decided to speak up, "Okay everyone, meet Kiyoshi, he was a nomu for hand-job and his gang down there until they tried to kill him. I saved him and now we friends, the reason Handy-Mandy is acting like a prissy princess is because he likes me more than them and is pretty strong." The class was still shocked and not moving, that was until Bakugo burst out laughing, everyone looked at him like he was insane, "Fucking... Handyman... and Handy-Mandy, where do you come up with these." Izuku joined in laughing, speaking in-between breaths, "To be honest... I don't know, they just come to me." To say Shigaraki was pissed off was an understatement, a huge understatement, "I AM STILL HERE YOU KNOW!", he paused for a moment, "You've had your chance, ATTACK THEM!" The villains activate their quirks as they start running towards the main building and the school, Shigaraki staying at the centre of the field with Kurogiri and a nomu. "Someone watch my mother, I have a match to settle.", Izuku harshly spoke before flying off on Kiyoshi, leaving behind his teachers and classmates as they yelled at him to come back. He disappeared into the clouds, another loud roar appearing, causing the ground to tremble. Izuku dove full speed towards the ground. Towards Shigaraki. Once he was visible and no longer shielded by the clouds, Shigaraki held his palm towards him in the sky, the winged nomu's which were standing by his side, immediately started flying up towards him, to attack.

Izuku POV.
I see the nomu flying towards us, ready to attack. "Kiyoshi! Get ready to do a barrel roll, then hit them with a light blast! It might temporarily blind their vision!" I hear him grumble in return, letting me know he understood. A moment later we were in range, I fell Kiyoshi take in a deep breath below me, preparing for the blast. I crouch as low as I can on his back, lowing my chest to his back. He begins to roll, and I close my eyes, not wanting to be blinded myself. I hear him fire two shots, and even before I open my eyes, I know they've hit. I look behind me to see the nomu's roar, recoiling in a moment of pain before regaining their posture and flying down after us. As we near the ground I can see Shigaraki slowly coming into view, as we as 10 seconds away from hitting the ground I yell, "Plasma!" Kiyoshi produces as plasma blast which land directly next to Shigaraki, not killing him, but blasting him 30-ft to the side. Kiyoshi then opens his wings, pulling up from the ground. As he fly's up, I jump off his back, disconnecting my bracelets and landing on the ground with a thud. I crouch down so I am standing in a defensive position, ready to attack. I see Shigaraki struggling to get up, so I take a moment to view my surroundings and to check on my classmates and teachers. My mother and All Might were gone, most likely to a safe room, Erasurehead was plummeting villains into the ground, as expected. My classmates were fighting in small groups against the villains, I noticed some were missing. They most likely headed to the school to help protect the students and fight the villains who headed over there. I turn my attention back to Shigaraki, who was gone. I look around in attempts to find him, I could use Kiyoshi, but I don't want to bother him since he is fighting two nomu. I turn back around to the tree, wondering where he could have gone. I am about to call out for him when I feel and unsettling presence behind me, before I can react, a hand appears from behind, placing four fingers on my neck, the other harshly grips my hand and hold it behind my back, pushing me to the floor. The dust below me picks up and make it way into my eyes and throat, I feel Shigaraki kneel into my back, pinning me into the ground. He tightens his grip on my throat as I begin to choke, I try to get up but using my quirk, but it was too dangerous, just one more finger and I'd be gone. A sudden breath on my neck, sending a shiver down my spine, "I guess you will be dying alone, goodbye, little hero." I close my eyes and try to think of something, anything that I could do. I thought I was all over until I feel something hot run along my body and a loud bang, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YA DAMN NERD, GET UP!!" I smirk once I release who it was. It was Kacchan.

Heyo guys, girls, and all my other pals. I am so sorry I was MIA for so long, life kinda just slapped me in the face like, 'Hey Bitch, I exist.' I will try to update again soon, I've started the next chapter already so hopefully it will be finish soon. 

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