One Down...

705 31 3

Where we left off

Erasurehead thinks for a moment before responding, "Sounds like a solid plan, but how do we plan to remove the larger nomu from the situation?" I think for a moment, 'I can use Blackwhip to slingshot him away, but we need a way to at least temporarily stun him so we can restrain him.' "Simple,", I respond with a smirk creeping on to my face, "Hey Ground Zero? How's your aim on that AP Shot?"

Izuku POV.

Kacchan scowls at me, shouting, "MY AIM IS PERFECT YA DAMN DEKU!" "Didn't doubt you for a second. This how we are gonna do this; I'm going to attempt to trap the larger nomu with Blackwhip and launch him towards the open end of the training field, away from Kiyoshi and the smaller nomu.

I need you to fire an AP Shot once I let go and he becomes stationary. It'll only be for a moment so you will need to be quick. Erasurehead, activate your quirk on him as soon as you possibly can without affecting me or Ground Zero."

"Alright, just make sure your out of the way as soon as possible. Same goes for you Ground Ze-." "I KNOW WHAT I GOTTA DO YA DAMN HOBO!" Kacchan yells over the top of Aizawa-sensei. He then turns to glares at Kacchan before lower his goggles over his eyes once more, "Ready when you are."

I turn my attention back to the fight above us, trying to pinpoint some pattern of attack so I could accurately grab the nomu. Dropping down into a low crouch, I fire up One for All at 15%, saving enough power so I could successfully activate Blackwhip without exceeding my body limit. Then I observe the fight, waiting for my window of opportunity.

Third POV.

The large nomu pulls away from Kiyoshi, narrowly avoiding a plasma blast, it skimming it arm leaving a momentarily burn before the muscles pulled themselves back together, the skin stretching across the uncovered areas before resealing the area below.

Izuku takes the narrow window before it circles back to attack, launching himself into the air, matching the height of of the nomu. He quickly cancels out One for All as he activates Blackwhip's, it sprouting from his wrists, launching out and latching around the the base of the nomu's wings, it chest, and arms.

Once secure, Izuku faces towards the open field and swings his arms across his chest, dragging the nomu along with Blackwhip. Resting against the pull of Blackwhip, the nomu strained against him, he groaned as he forced the nomu away from Kiyoshi. Once the nomu was swung and headed towards the field, he released Blackwhip and let the nomu continue its course.

The nomu continues to fly back until it was able to stabilise enough to prevent itself from continuing any further. Bakugo used this open frame to fire an AP Shot directly at the nomu's back, it shrieking in response as the explosion causes its wings to shrivel up and the regeneration struggles to mend the burnt stubs which remained.

Using its momentary confusion and pain, Erasurehead took the opportunity to activate Erasure of on the nomu. This immediately ceases the super regeneration of the wings and the nomu starts to flail as it begins to descend.

'Fuck!', thinks Izuku, 'The super regeneration is cancelled out, but the shock absorption will break the impact of the fall. We need to make sure enough damage is dealt so it can't get back up.' Launching in the air once more, Izuku fired up One For All and descended on the nomu once again.

Pulling back his arm, he fires up One For All and uses Blackwhip to pull himself towards the nomu. Using Shoot Style, he drives his feet into the nomu's chest, sending it soaring until it slams the ground. The dust pick up around the nomu, masking the scene in front of the hero's, leaving the state of the nomu undetermined.

Using Delaware Smash Air Force, Izuku clears the area of smoke to reveal a small crater with the nomu inside, twitching, but not actively attempting to move. Erasurehead takes the opportunity to bind the nomu in his capture weapon, yelling "Clear!", to signify the nomu's incapacitated state.

"Great", Izuku pants in a strained voice, "Now that's out of the way. We have one down...".


Hopefully this provides context to the nomu's abilities. Keep in mind, the quirks listed are from the human users, so drawbacks may be cancelled out by the super regeneration. Furthermore, Erasurehead can only erase one quirk on the nomus, that quirk being the one which is currently activated.


Increased Speed: Gives the user the ability to increase their speed by 5-15 km/h (3-9 miles/h) for a period dependent on the user and their physical state. The more fit the user and the longer their stamina, the longer the period of usage.
Type: Emitter
Drawbacks: Prolonged periods of use can result in muscle spasms - severity depends on period of usage.

Fire Breath: Allows the the user to produce fire from their chest by drawing from the oxygen and heat surrounding them and releasing it from the lungs.
Type: Emitter
Drawbacks: Overuse may lead to sore throat, burning of the mouth, and emission of smoke from the mouth and nose.

Smoke Manipulation: Allows user to manipulate smoke, in a similar matter to that of telekinesis, however, user cannot create the smoke and it must originate from another source. The user is also able to manipulate the density of the smoke.
Type: Emitter
Drawbacks: Heavy and prolonged manipulation of smoke will cause dry eyes and shortness of breath due to inhalation.


I absolutely suck at fight scenes so... have fun with this one, and the next one whenever it comes out

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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