Reunion and Attack

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Where we left off
Once at the dorms, Izuku headed straight to his room, once in he began to take down most of his All Might merch, stilling leaving up a few posters and a few figurines out. He swapped out his duvet for a black and green one before he decided to head to the roof and wait for Shigaraki and LOV to show up.

3rd POV
The rest of class 1A spent the rest of the day in their classes, all wonder what had happened to Deku and why his attitude had changed so drastically. As they were headed back to the dorms, they could see a figure sitting on the roof, they couldn't see who it was so they called Aizawa and All Might and asked them to come over, just to be cautious. Once Aizawa and All Might arrived, they all headed up to the roof as a group to see who was up there, not much to their surprise it was Izuku, they decided to be as quiet as possible to sneak up behind him. Izuku knew they were there, Kiyoshi warned him the moment they entered the stair well coming up from the elevators. He decided to make them aware he knew they were there, Izuku, "I know you guys are there, just come out." The teachers and class are shocked and confused as to how he knew they were there. Todoroki was the first to recover and walk up to Izuku, he sat down beside him, pausing for a moment before deciding to speak up:

Todoroki: "You've changed."

Izuku: "I know. You don't like it, do you?"

Todoroki: "No, it's just different. I'm... happy for you."

Izuku: "...Thank you, I just... I just assumed everybody wouldn't accept the changed me..."

Todoroki place on arm around him and pulled him into a side hug.

Todoroki: "Nothing could ever change the fact your still you, and I'm never leaving... Izuku."

Izuku: "Thanks Shoto."

The pair say where they are for a moment, enjoying each other's company before Izuku stands up, turns around, and takes a few steps away from the edge and says, "Common guys, get over here." Before anyone can speak, Uraraka, Asui, and Iida bolt over and crash tackle him into a hug. "I'm sorry guys," Izuku says, "I should have considered how badly I would have affected you guys by disappearing..." Iida speaks up, "It doesn't matter, what matters is you're here now." The group stays there for a few more moments before the rest of the class join, the teachers standing back and watching their students. The class slowly start to get up realising their teachers are still there, the class walks back over to their teachers and stops in front of them, Izuku standing at the front. He bows to his teachers before he begins to speak, "I wish to apologise for the way I acted in both the cafeteria and in Recovery Girl's office, it was impolite of me to jump out of the window when you were just trying to help... I just wasn't expecting to get interrogated, so I panicked...", he says bowing, waiting for any sort of response. "Head up Midoriya," Aizawa says, "what you did was highly inappropriate, and you WILL be questioned about it later... however we didn't consider your situation and I must apologise for that." Izuku smiles at this response and yells in excitement to his classmates, "FUCK YEAH! LET'S GOOOOOO!" The class bursts out laughing whilst Iida starts to lecture him about swearing, even the teachers–even Aizawa–were smiling at their class's antics, that was until the attack siren went off. The teachers and students immediately were on high alert, class 1a have their quirks at the ready to attack, defend or both. Izuku however, seemed to be more relaxed than anything, looking down on the training grounds next to the dorm building. The class and teachers looked at the same place he was and saw a small purple portal that suddenly burst wide open and surprise, not surprise, the league of villains slowly began to walk out. However, it was noticeably different, Toga was missing, Shigiraki had a large scar across his face, there were a large group of small-time villains, there were two winged nomus with them, and Inko Midoriya, being held captive at the centre of the group (without handcuffs or anything, there were enough of them to keep her at bay as she only has a weak attraction quirk). Shigiraki looked up at the top of the building to see class 1A and their teachers, he scowled when he spotted Midoriya and decided to speak up, "Greetings class 1A, always a... pleasure to see you." "That's enough Shigiraki! What do you want, why are you here and more importantly let Ms. Midoriya go!", Aizawa yells. "My, my, Erasurehead, let's not get emotional now, we wouldn't want anything to happen to Ms. Midoriya now would we...", Shigiraki starts to laugh as the class freezes up, they hadn't been in many situations with hostages. He starts to speak again, only this time, it was directed to Izuku, "Now Midoriya, you have a choice to make... your either hand over 23 or, your mother dies. Simple, right? You have 5 minutes to hand him over or she's gone." The class was confused now Erasurehead was the one to ask the question they were all thinking, "Midoriya, who is 23 and why are they important?" Izuku ignored them and walked over to the edge of the building, he held up his wrists exposing the metal braces and banged them over his head whilst contacting Kiyoshi, "Kiyoshi, the LOV are at my school, they are holding my mum captive. I'm going to need you to come and pick her up, then catch me when I jump, got it?" "I understand Izuku." Inko watch as her son tap his braces and understood what he meant, she raised her hand and copied him, the light on both of their wrists lite up blue, then a second later purple. Izuku decided to initiate his plan, "You know what, I don't really want you having either handyman. So, if it isn't an issue, I will be taking my mother back and we will be on our way." The class looked at him like he was insane and curiously, what were the metal things on his wrist, what did they do? A loud roar suddenly apparated out of nowhere scaring everybody but Inko and Izuku, and a gust of wind knocked over the LOV members creating a large cloud of dust... when the dust had settled, Inko was gone. The everybody looked on in confusion and Shigiraki just looked pissed, "What have you done you foolish brat!", Izuku smirked, "Exactly what I said I would." Then without warning, he jumped off the edge of the building, then another massive gust of wind went by. His class and teachers ran forward in concern, but they looked down to discover he was gone.  

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