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Where we left off

He glares at me before taking a quick glance around, the majority of the small time villains he brought with him have been subdued by the other member of the class and are now being restrained. Realising that they are outnumbers, he glares at us once more before Kurogiri's portal appears and he goes to leave, not before turning to face us, "This isn't over hero's. I will get my nomu back, one way or another."

Third POV.

With Shigaraki finally having left the scene, the hero's could finally turn their focus to the nomu's which were battling it out in the sky. The nomu's which came alongside Shigaraki were still in the sky above, relentlessly attacking Kiyoshi, as the hero's in training desperately avoiding the onslaught of missed attacks which rained from the sky on to the ground below.

The first nomu's height fell just short of that of Kiyoshi, falling in at 3 meter tall (just short of 10 ft). It was a lanky, skinny, and muscularly small nomu with a small pair of wings which were protruding from its lower back, spanning at a 1 meter wide per wing (3ft each). Their body was a darkish beige colour (hex:#4c4225), it's entire body and wings covered with what appeared to be deep red slash marks (hex:#820600).

Nomu number two which stood at 3.5 meter tall, matched Kiyoshi's height almost perfectly, the difference near indeterminable (11.5ft). This nomu, however, held a much larger body mass then the first. It was bulky, large, and held a large muscular structure which rivalled Kiyoshi's. Wing's which protruded from the nomu's upper back spanned at 1.5 meters each, small spikes appearing to line the edge of the wings. It body was a dark purple (hex:#16031c), however, there were long deep teal (hex:#021717) strips running down it arms all the way to its head, encircling its visible brain.

Alongside what appeared to be a the super regeneration quirk, shock absorption, and the wings; the first nomu appeared to move much faster then its partner. Small flames also made themselves prominent from the mouth of the nomu, as it flew around using the smoke as a screen to hide itself as it readied to attack. The second nomu launch the spikes which lined it wings at Kiyoshi, emitting a high pitched wave of noise whilst shooting yellow masses of electrical current shot out of its talon like hands.

Unlike the previous nomu's, these two appeared to have an increased level of control over their individual quirks, the super regeneration no doubt ensuring that the continuous use of quirks would cause any drawbacks. As the students restrain the last of the remaining villains, Deku, Erasurehead, and Ground Zero turn their attention to the fight in the sky.

Izuku POV.

As Kiyoshi battled the two nomu in the sky, I realised intervention is needed, the battle was going nowhere, "Oi Erasurehead, would you be able to erase the quirks of one or both of the nomu?" He shakes his head, "I would risk deactivating the quirks of all three. We need to separate them if we want a chance at that, even then I can only deactivate some of the quirks."

Looking to the sky, the smaller nomu appeared to be the one causing the most damage to Kiyoshi, the seconds attacks being more of an issue to those on the ground. "We need to deal with the larger first, Kiyoshi is managing to hold up against the first, the second is giving us the most issues. If we can prevent the second one's attacks from reaching those on the ground, they will be able to assist us faster. Then we can put all our focus on the smaller one."

Erasurehead thinks for a moment before responding, "Sounds like a solid plan, but how do we plan to remove the larger nomu from the situation?" I think for a moment, 'I can use Blackwhip to slingshot him away, but we need a way to at least temporarily stun him so we can restrain him.' "Simple,", I respond with a smirk creeping on to my face, "Hey Ground Zero? How's your aim on that AP Shot?"


NOMU SHARED QUIRKS (Quirks which both nomu's have)

Shock Absorption: Gives the user the ability to reduce the effectiveness of physical blows by absorbing the shocks produced by them. Shock Absorption can also absorb attacks and fire them back like a recoil.
Type: Transformation/Emitter
Drawbacks: Does not give the user the ability to completely nullify blows, there is a limit to how many attacks a user can receive

Wings: Gives the user a pair of wings protruding from its back which allowed it to fly.
Type: Mutant
Drawbacks: Injuries to wings require significant healing time, if wings completely removed, it may takes months for wings to regrow. Pain of growing process is indeterminable.

Super Regeneration: Provides the user the ability to regenerate any sort of injuries on the user's body, such as missing limbs, at an increased speed.
Type: Transformation
Drawbacks: User can not heal injuries that have already been cauterized by the time the quirk is activated, furthermore, regeneration can become null if the user is attacked by their opponent faster than they can regenerate. If the user's body is not properly prepared, the regeneration process can also become a lot slower.


Thank you all for your extreme patience and support!

I was surprised to see that you guys were so quick to read the new chapter and decided to push these chapters out as soon as I could because. What's sleep? Who's that?

The quirks of each of the nomu's are at the end of the next two chapters. Hope you all enjoy these chapters, the quirk descriptions took more time then the actual chapters did XD

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