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Where we left off
Midoriya was muttering for a bit, then All Might decides to be the first speak up, "Young Midoriya," All Might began as Midoriya stopped muttering and look at him, "Where did you get that wound in the first place?"

3rd POV. (Friday)
Hearing the question caused Midoriya to stiffen and then quickly relaxed, he prayed no one saw this, everyone in the room saw this but didn't say anything. "It's nothing really, it doesn't hurt much," Midoriya said, "I'll just head home, my mum must be worried." He made his way to the door, Aizawa decided to take matters into his own hand. "Well, if it isn't a pain, then I can do this.", Aizawa walks in front of him and places this hand directly onto Midoriya's chest. Midoriya hisses in pain and takes a step back as his teacher's hand contacts his chest. "Exactly what I thought, now sit back down problem child.", Aizawa says, Midoriya sits back down on the bed, just as he does, his phone rings. Midoriya picks it up to see it's his mom calling, "Am I allowed to take this? It's my mum, I don't want her to worry more." Aizawa responds, "Sure, just let her know one of us will drop you off at home soon. We aren't letting you walk that far with an injury like that".

Midoriya sighs as he answers his phone, "Hey mum... yeah, I'm ok, there was just a small incident during hero training... no... yes, one of my teachers will drop me off soon... ah ok, we can check later when I get home... ok, we can do that. Got to go, bye mum." He hangs up the phone as puts it in his pocket, "Ok, can we head off now. Mum wants me home soon." Aizawa sighs, clearly was getting irritated by this point, "Your avoiding the question Midoriya. Now tell me, where did you get that wound? It wasn't from that mock battle and we all know that." Midoriya looked down at his feet and shuffled a bit, mumbling under his breath. Aizawa was furious at this point, he activated his quirk, red eyes flaring, and hair raised. He asked again in a raised, angry voice, "Where did you get it!" "I got in a fight ok!" Midoriya responded, in an apologetic yet annoyed tone, "That's why I was home so late. After I went to the gym, I was walking home when I heard yelling in an alleyway. I was worried someone was in trouble, so I went in and got jumped, it was a set up. They had a phone playing the noises and I was hit with a knife the moment I stepped foot in the alleyway. I kicked him in the stomach when he lunged for me again, then I ran to the closest public bathrooms. I didn't have my phone, I left it as home by accident so I couldn't call anyone. I was in there for 20 minutes, cleaning up the blood and cuts with toilet paper and water from the sink. I then wrapped it up and went home and talked with mom and All Might. All Might left, I talked with mom for a bit before I went to the bathroom, I cleaned and stitched the wound so it wouldn't bleed anymore. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to burden anyone with dealing with it, happy?", he sat down on the bed, putting on his shoes.

Both the teachers and student sighed thinking, 'Of course, he didn't want to bother anyone, so he dealt with it himself.' All Might was the first to respond, "It wouldn't have been a burden to anyone Young Midoriya, we would have been glad to help you. Taking care of yourself is also an important part of being a hero." Izuku thinks for a moment, "Yeah, I guess. I'm going to get my stuff and I'll meet whoever is taking me home out front. Thanks again Recovery Girl, bye guys, see you when school starts again.", with that he walks out the door. "He is lying, again." Everyone turns to face All Might, "When he came home on Wednesday, he had his phone in his bag, I saw him take it out and place it on the table. My only question is, why is he still lying?" Aizawa stands up and walk to the door responding, "I'm not sure. Todoroki, Iida, try and keep in contact with him over the holidays, keep looking into this. He's going on holiday's next week, so he won't be here. I'll see you next, week. Bye."

With that he walks out of the room and through the building, he arrives at the front gate to find Midoriya muttering to himself. "Let's go problem child.", this breaks Midoriya out of his muttering daze. They head to Aizawa's car and he begins the drive to the teen home, t was an awkward drive to say the least, they both just sat there in silence, neither of them sure what to say. Aizawa arrives at the apartment complex and pulls up in front of it, "All right problem child, were here. I'll see you after the holidays, you need me to walk you up there?" "I'm all good, see you after break sir", with that, Midoriya shuts the door of the car and walks into the building.

Izuku's POV.
I walk up the stair to the apartment block, glad to have escaped the clutches of my teachers, classmates, and their questions. Walking the flights of stairs makes my chest sting, but I push through it, I finally reach my apartment and knock on the door. I heard the lock click and it opens to reveal my angry, yet worried mom, she ushers me into the apartment so I take the time to look at the clock, '4:30pm, that should leave me enough time to pack my stuff and head over to Kiyoshi'. I hear the door locking shut and I'm pulled into a bear hug by my mom, she is gentle as to not hurt my chest, I'm grateful for that. She starts rambling on about how I need to be more careful, take better care of my body, to ask for help when I need it and so on.

She pauses so I take the opportunity to jump in, "Hey mom, I was wondering if I could stay with Kiyoshi for a bit? Maybe like a week at a time? I wanted to train him some more, but it will be kinda difficult to sneak there with so many people during the day. You would be free to visit whenever you want, you would just have to send me a text, so you don't get lost." I watch as she ponders my idea, she sighs before responding, "Ok, but, but I have some rules. You must sleep at least 8 hours a night, eat 3 times a day, show me your progress at the end of each week, and try NOT to break anymore bones." 'Yeah', I thought, 'none of that's gonna happen but...' "Of course, I will follow those rules mom. You can come early in the morning or at 7pm at night, that way you are less likely to be followed." I smile as I walk off to my room to collect what I will need for the first week of my staying with Kiyoshi. Clothes, notebooks, pens, pencils, ropes, toolbox, library card, money, snacks, blankets, a pillow, and I also put in a sleeping bag, poles, and tarp. By the end, I have 2 large duffel bags full of items, minus the sleeping bag, poles, and tarp, they didn't fit. 'Alright', I think to myself, 'that's everything.' I say by to mom and head to the warehouse. I walk in to see Kiyoshi waiting, 'let's do this.'

(Full conversation between Midoriya and Inko)
Midoriya: Hey mum
Inko: Hey Izuku, are you ok?
Midoriya: yeah, I'm ok, there was just a small incident during hero training
Inko: omg, do you need me to pick you up?
Midoriya: no
Inko: are you sure?
Midoriya: yes, one of my teachers will drop me off soon
Inko: Ok then, also, I couldn't check on Kiyoshi
Midoriya: ah ok, we can check later when I get home
Inko: ok sure when we visit him, we can ask him to heal you
Midoriya: ok, we can do that. Got to go, bye mum
Inko: Bye, see you when you get home

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