First late day back

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Where we left off
I signal to All Might to stay low and quiet and we watch as the figure comes into view, before they light up with green and black lightening, jump up the walls and onto the roof, running off. "Well, we found Midoriya. But the question is, why did he run off?", I ask. All Might sighs beside me, "He's been acting strange since he arrived home late, it must have had something to do with that." I sigh and head back to the car, 'Well, we'll deal with this when school comes back.'

Izuku POV.
It been an eventful week following the events of the burning building and my reappearance broadcasted on the news, and once again, the hundreds of texts I had from both my classmates and teachers as I disappeared... again to train with Kiyoshi. They can't blame me, I mean, they could but I figured once I came back to school and we had to live in dorms, it would be hard to sneak out and meet up with Kiyoshi. I had spent most of the week training with Kiyoshi and mainly flying, it was hard to get used to flying high up and coming down at ridiculous speeds. I had Kiyoshi practice his quirks just as much as I did mine, he had to fire blasts in random orders and I had him do barrel rolls, spins, firing at a target. Soon, the fight with the LOV came back to hit me in the back of the head, it was tiring to say the least, I would spend all night training with him, then spend the rest of the day planning more training activities, collect supplies from town, meeting up with the Crimson Cat, and unfortunately the bounty. I discovered the bounty after I was jumped in an alleyways for real this time, the group had attempted to restrain me but I used black whip to throw them against the dirty brick wall and into the dumpster, locking it shut with a discarded pipe. I picked up the paper which a man dropped, which happened to be the bounty poster. I had been jumpy and on high alert all week, I didn't want to be caught off guard, especially since the LOV had my mum and they wanted Kiyoshi. I had school on Monday so I was focused on getting my lies ready and training with Kiyoshi as much as I could before it would be harder to get away, they probably wouldn't let me out of their sight now that the bounty was out. Sighing I went back to training, it was gonna be a long first week back.

3rd POV
It had come Monday morning and Izuku wasn't prepared, he was up all night creating believable stories as to why he didn't contact anyone over the holidays, so far, the most believable one he had was he broke his phone and never got a new one. To make Izuku's day all the better, he woke up late, very late. It would soon be time for their heroics class, 'Damn,' Izuku thought, 'Aizawa-sensei is going to be pissed, I'm so late.'

Izuku decided he didn't want to wear his old uniform; he hadn't washed it since the end of the semester, and it smelt disgusting. He got changed into one of his new outfit and collected his bag, then heading off to school. He was wearing a long sleeves white button up t-shirt with a pair of short black shorts on, black suspender, his classic red boots, and a dark green jacket. To finish off his outfit, he had black fishnet stockings and a miniature Mad Hatter style hat on. On his way, he passed the coffee shop and stopped to buy an iced coffee. He shook the thoughts clouding his mind, out of his head and started the trip straight to school, but of course, it never goes as planned. He was about 5 minutes from the school when someone grabbed his wrist, placed a hand over his mouth, and threw him into an alleyway.

He used Blackwhip to catch his stuff and place them safely outside they alleyway, he turned around, ready to fight, not seeing the blades headed straight for him. He attempted to move before the blades reached him, but failed, they ran across his faces, cutting his arms, cheeks, nose, and jaw. Not even registering the burning sensation of the newly opened wounds, he dropped into a fighting stance and scanned the area around him. There was five of them, two of them had mutation quirks and the others her wasn't sure of. Izuku smirked before responding, "Let dance".

Izuku exited the alleyway 10 minutes later, covered in dust and blood, both dry and fresh, dripping down his arms. His shirt's sleeves had been destroyed in the fight, so he ripped them off, making it look with he was wearing a vest. He picked up his stuff, thankfully nothing was destroyed, broken or cracked, and started his way down the streets, blatantly ignoring the looks, comments, and questions of the concerned of the people around him as he made his way UA. He walked more towards the middle of the street, wanting to avoid another run on with just about anyone. Izuku looked at his phone to check the time, it was almost time for lunch, he decided just to go to lunch and he would go to class after. 

He arrived at the school gate and walked to the main building, he headed straight to the cafeteria and walked into the mostly empty room. He walked over to counter and asked Lunch Rush for some Katsudon, Lunch Rush gave a questioning yet concerned, suspicious look at him. Izuku sighed, "It me, Izuku Midoriya? I know, I'm here early, but I arrived late. I got in an incident so that's why I look like this. I was just going to wait for my class here, is that ok?" Lunch Rush looked at him, hesitantly nodded, before letting Izuku pay and handing him his Katsudon, Izuku then headed over to their usual table.  After he left, Lunch Rush contacted Nezu, alerting him of Izuku's reappearance and his current physical state. Nezu then sent a message to All Might and Erasure, letting them know of his arrival, telling them he would meet them at Recovery Girls office, the pair had been in the staffroom so they both got up and headed to the cafeteria.  

Izuku sat down and began to eat his food when the loud ringing of the bell echoed over the speakers, and the voices the students filling the hallways, heading to the cafeteria. He had finished his Katsudon and pulled out a cigarette before laying on the table and lighting it, taking a deep breath in, he blew the smoke out, making rings and patterns in his boredom. The sudden quiet was interrupted with the loud yelling of a student, Izuku still laid on the table with no intention of moving. He stayed this way until he heard a certain somebody yelling at him. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, SHITTY EXTRA!?" (Hm, wonder who that this?) Izuku still laid on the table, before raising his head and glared before both over-dramatically and sarcastically saying, "Oh Mah God! I can't believe you don't recognise me! That's so sad... Kacchan." Bakugo's faced dropped into one of confusion, until he finally recognised him and the expression turning to shock.  

Izuku, who thought this was hilarious, rolled off the table, landing on the floor and laughing like there was no tomorrow. This caused many to stare in their direction, a lot of people questioning, who had the guts to laugh at one of U.A.'s most angry, and literally explosive students? 1A and 1B had been curious as to what was happening, so they headed over to the pair, shocked to see a boy on the floor laughing at Bakugo, and Bakugo, just staring with no snarky, explosive comments, actual explosions or anything. As they questioned who the boy was and how he got the injuries, Todoroki who had been standing at the back of the group, made his way forward to see the boy in question. He had made his way to the front of the group and stared at the figure on the floor, he looked at the boy for a bit longer, he was covered in blood and dirt, but looked so familiar. 

It suddenly hit him, why he looked so familiar, "Midoriya, it that you? And is that a cigarette?", Todoroki asked. Izuku jumped up and gave his usually smile, "Yep, that's me! Yea, this is a cigarette. It my last one though, do you how sad that is?" he said is a pouty tone. Everyone stared at him, jaws dropped and all thinking, 'Midoriya/Deku?! No way, what the hell happened to him?! Why is he acting so different?!' Izuku stood up and sat back down at the table, going back to smoking. Whilst everyone threw questions left, right and center, Iida attempted to drag him to recovery girl whilst lecturing him about how he shouldn't be smoking, when Erasure Head and All Might walked through the cafeteria doors, heading straight for 1A and 1B. 

Izuku quickly put out his cigarette and showed it into his pocked, talking out a packet of gum and throwing three into his mouth. He blew a few bubbles, making a loud pop each time, before saying, "Hey Aizawa-sensei, All Might, what's up?" Once the duo made their way over to Izuku, they were just as shocked as his classmates, he looked so different and was covered in blood. Aizawa couldn't be bother to ask question right now, so he just decide to wrapped Izuku in his Capture Weapon, careful not to grab his arms to hard but it hard enough so he couldn't escape, and dragged him to Recovery Girls office once again. All Might stayed behind to question everyone on what had happened and to try and figure out why he was covered in blood. 


Hey guys, girl and non-binary pals.  Sorry this is out so late -.- been busy with school and my job (took me long enough to get one) plus my mental health took a jump of Mt. Ebott (anyone get that reference?)  next chapter will be out late :(  sorryyyyyy baiiiiiiii

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