Quirk Test

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' ' is thinking

Where we left off
Inko then placed her hand on Kiyoshi's forehead, collapsing. Having assumed this would happen, Izuku standing behind his mother catching her. He laid her on the ground, his jumper as a pillow for her head. He looked back at Kiyoshi, "I'm going to be testing you today, to see what you can do, let's get started."

3rd person POV. (Thursday)
Izuku and Kiyoshi started with simple tests such as strength, speed and how fast he could regenerate. Izuku wanted to test his regeneration when it comes to fire but he thought it would be too soon, considering previous day's events. What surprised Izuku the most was the fact Kiyoshi seemed to be more powerful than the ones from all the previous attacks. His regeneration also seemed to work much faster, healing severed wounds almost instantly. They tested this when Izuku cut of his hand and it appeared again almost instantly, this shocked him to say the least. 'Why would they get rid of such a powerful nomu?', he thought to himself, 'this one could easily beat the pro's and cause a lot of damage, so why?' Pushing his thoughts aside, they continued testing small things such as his flexibility. What came to a surprise to both Izuku and Kiyoshi was they discovered he had very different quirks to the previous nomu's.

Inko had woken up by now and was watching them conduct the tests from the sideline. They had been testing Kiyoshi speed whilst Izuku fired One for All in punches at 20%, to see how well he could maneuver whilst going at a fast pace. This was going well until Izuku accidently fired at 100%, resulting in a painful broken arm. Both Izuku's mother and Kiyoshi ran over to him, Inko fussing over him yelling that he should be more careful. Then suddenly Kiyoshi's hands started glowing a light grey. Think for a minute, Izuku put Kiyoshi hands on his arm. Then, to everyone but Izuku's surprise, his arm was healed. Not answering anyone's questions he walked over to his bag and retrieved the quirk testing kit. He set it up and ask Kiyoshi if he could take some of his blood. Of course, he said yes immediately. Taking a needle, Izuku took a vile of his blood and followed the steps according to the test kit. After he began the test, they had to wait for 30-minutes, they decided to discuss how to get Kiyoshi food and other supplies.

Izuku POV.
I had just finished getting the test set up, now we just had to wait for 30 minutes. I decided we needed to figure out a plan to take care of Kiyoshi. I decide to speak up, "So, we need to figure out how we are going to take care of you Kiyoshi. I can visit him every day after school to check in. I would be able to do my homework here, feed him and train. If I could, I would also like to set up a mini camp site like thing in one of the corners so I could stay here on weekends, it would make it easier for me to keep training Kiyoshi to use his wings and quirks." I looked at mum hopefully as she contemplated my idea. Suddenly, I was picked up my Kiyoshi who sat me on his shoulder before sitting down again. "I like the idea of Izuku staying here,", said Kiyoshi. We both looked down at mum who sighed, "Fine, that's ok with me. However, I will also get to come with you if I want to ok?" "Ok, mum", I say. I hear a loud beep from across room where the tester was. Jumping up, I run over to the tester and find a script printing. The results.

"Mum, Kiyoshi, I got the results from the quirk tester!" I yell excitedly, running back over to the pair before sitting down next to them. "Well, what does it say Izuku?", mum asked. "Well," I start, "according to the results he has the basic nomu quirks: regeneration and super strength, however both seem to be a lot stronger than the previous nomu's we have seen. The next quirk is called Healer: it allows the holder to heal basic to sever wounds, get rid of viruses or poisons from a living organism such as a human or animal and bring people back to a stable sense of mind such as breaking hypnosis. His next quirk is called translation: it allows the person to translate any type of text, language, or code, into any language of their choice. The next quirk is body regulator: the quirk allows the user to regulate their body temperature to what every they want, the air around them can also be affected if they think about spreading the heat around them. The temperature change doesn't affect their body. The final quirk is blast: blast allows the user to create to blast from their mouth and hands. Blasts include: A plasma blast (Similar to How to Train your Dragon), Dark matter/shadows, light, fire, water/ice, and air. The strongest of the blasts is the plasma. Since he has super regeneration, he appears to have no drawbacks."

3rd person POV.
Both Inko and Kiyoshi look at Izuku in shock. "Wow," Kiyoshi says, " I didn't know I had these quirks" Izuku nodded, "yea, neither did we, but this means we will have to train them all so you know how to use them." The pair nods at Izuku just as he was saying, "good, now let us eat. We still have to get home mum and it's going to get dark soon." Inko checked the time to see it was already 5pm, she looked surprised to say the least. They had spent all day at the warehouse without realising, "Yes,", she said, "let's eat". The trio sat their eating their food, telling Kiyoshi about the outside world and UA. Having finished their food and talking, they left for the night, saying goodbye to Kiyoshi. But not before leaving him some blankets on the floor so he could lay on them. They snuck out the back of the warehouse and headed down the street, chatting about what ever came to mind. They enter the house before getting ready for bed, Izuku pausing to look at the scar across his chest. 'Shit' he thought, 'I forgot to ask Kiyoshi to heal it. Oh well, I will just have to lie about it tomorrow and hope no one notices.' With that he falls onto his bed, falling asleep before he even hit the pillow.  

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