The Meeting

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Authors Notes:
Italics – Telepathically talking
'  ' Thoughts

Where we left off
"Izuku, I know you were lying back there", Izuku stiffens, "now, tell me where you where or your grounded for or a month." Inko says. Realising he has no choice, he begins to recount of the say, "Well it started when..."

3rd person POV. (Thursday)
Izuku began to explain the events of his afternoon (leaving out the bullying and self-doubt of course), his mother started at him... blank faced. Trying to take in all the information being presented to her, the fact her son had meet with a creature that could kill thousands easily, had bonded with him. As Izuku finished his explanation, the two sat in uncomfortable silence, neither knowing what to say to the other. That was, until Izuku decided he should speak up.

Izuku POV.
"Look, I don't know what you are thinking" I begin "but Kiyoshi is different, he doesn't want to hurt me, he can understand what I'm feeling and he wants to protect me, in return from saving him from the LOV. Listen, I said would see him again and I wanted you to meet him. You don't have to come but I would appreciate it, he wants to meet you and prove he isn't a threat. I'm going to visit Kiyoshi tomorrow to bring him some food and to test his abilities, I'm going to call the school and say I'm sick so I can't come. If you want to come, be ready at 7am. Please don't tell anyone, night mum, I love you." With that I stood up from the couch and raced to my room, not giving her anytime to respond. Closing the door to by room with an unexpected loud bang. I trudge over to my closet grabbing a set of black pj's, a medical kit and make my way to the bathroom. Turing on the water, I let is run all over my body, washing away any worries I had. I turn it off and begin to stitch the wound on my chest. It was painful. I get changed, carefully jumping into my bed, I let the darkness take over my body, drifting off into another sleepless dream.

(He had a special glass, so it doesn't shatter-Quirk still activates)

I wake up again, panting, sweat dripping down my body, this was the 3rd time in a row I had this vision. I look at the clock to see it's 4am, sighing I get out of bed. I pick out my outfit for the day, remembering that I would be going to visit Kiyoshi. I put on a pair of black ripped jeans and a black tank top with the words 't-shirt' written on it. I make my way to kitchen and decide on having cereal for breakfast. I see the time to only be 5am so I head back to my room to lift some of my weights. I continued to train until 6am, I then got up and went to the kitchen to pack some food for Kiyoshi, some leather ropes, and a quirk testing kit. 1/2 and hour later I had enough food packed and some leather ropes. I spend the next hour planning on different tests to do with Kiyoshi. 'I definitely need to test his flight, mainly how well he can use his wings, how high, and how fast as well'. I finish my planning and look at the clock 6:58am. I sigh, 'Guess she's not coming' I thought. I put on my black hoodie and grab the bags that are filled with the supplies and slip out the door, heading down the stairs. Reaching the bottom, I open the apartment block door, feeling the chilly morning breeze hit me like a ton of brick. I walk out the door and started to head down the street, but not before I hear someone calling my name. I turn around to see my mother running towards me. She was wearing a dark green bomber jacket with black tracksuit pants. She had a black beanie, gloves, and scarf with her, I also notice she has a second pair of gloves. I smile softly as she catches up to me. "Sorry Izuku, I couldn't find out gloves. I don't want you to actually get sick.", my mum says. I place down the bags and hug her, "Thanks for coming, Kiyoshi will be happy to meet you." "It's ok Izuku, I trust your judgement of him," mum says. I take the gloves and put them on, picking up the bags and we continue to walk towards the warehouse.

3rd person POV.
The mother son duo arrived at the warehouse after about a 30-minute walk and headed around the back. Inko looked up at the warehouse, it looked quite run down from the outside.  

(Outside of Warehouse)

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(Outside of Warehouse)

After opening the door, the two headed inside. "Stay close to me mum", Izuku said, "it's quite easy to get lost in here, although that kinda the point." Inko hummed in response, still taking in the building structure itself. In inside of the building was very similar to the outside in aspects, but very different in others.  

(Inside of Warehouse)

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(Inside of Warehouse)

All Inko could say was, "Wow, its surprisingly clean in here." "Yea, that's why I was home late, I was cleaning this place," Izuku responded before he continued to walk towards to the center of the building, stopping looking around, before yelling, "Kiyoshi!" A few moments passed as the two stood there is silence. Out of nowhere, a low growl was heard behind the two, they turned around to see Kiyoshi standing 10 meter in front of them. He had a menacing look on his face as he glared at Inko. Izuku smiled, "Kiyoshi, this is my mum, Inko. Mum, this is Kiyoshi. You should know what happened." Upon hearing that he was Izuku mother, Kiyoshi stopped growling walking up to Izuku, licking him once again. Inko laughed at the interaction between the large beast and her son. After Kiyoshi stopped licking him, he asked telepathically, "If my mum touch your forehead like I did would she be able to hear you too?" Kiyoshi thought about it for a moment before responding, "Yes, it should work as long you wish her to." Izuku smiled before he explained to his mum what they had conversed about. Inko then placed her hand on Kiyoshi's forehead, collapsing. Having assumed this would happen, Izuku standing behind his mother catching her. He laid her on the ground, his jumper as a pillow for her head. He looked back at Kiyoshi, "I'm going to be testing you today, to see what you can do, let's get started." 

Hey guys, so I have decided I will try and update every Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  I hope you guys are enjoying the story,  please let me know what you think of this so far. 

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