The final battle and aftermath

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Where we left off
The teachers turned their attention back to the screen, to see Bakugo about to make contact with Midoriya.


was the final battle.

3rd person POV. (Friday)
Bakugo charged the Midoriya as fast as he could in the cold weather, hands burning filled with a burning sensation. Bakugo had almost reached Izuku, the teachers looked at the screen in concern and his teammates peered through the window, fearing for their leaders. Izuku just stood there, with his eyes closed, as though he wanted to get hit. Bakugo pulled his hand back, activating his quirk, his hands glowing and bright yellowy orange, going to punch Izuku. Right in the center of his face. Then, right before he could contact his fist to Izuku's face, Izuku, still with his eyes closed, grabbed Bakugo's left fist, turned around and crouched and swung his arms up, launching Bakugo into air. He then dropped onto the ground laying on his back he angled his arms upwards, firing One for All at 20% right towards Bakugo. This caused his to fly uncontrollably through the air, as he tried to use his quirk to stabilise himself, however, not fast enough to prevent his whole body from crashing into the ice roof that stood above him. The teachers cringed, 'that must have hurt', they thought. Bakugo began his decent back to the ground. By then, a couple of the other team members had climbed out of the rubble, just to be spotted by Mineta and tagged, officially out of the game. They watched as Bakugo feel towards the earth, unable to do anything to help. However, before he hit the ground, he did a full 180-degree turn, angling his hands towards Midoriya before yelling, "HOWITZER IMPACT!" Bakugo tumbles into the air and creates explosions in both of his hands, whilst in the air he spins himself around, regaining his balance, building up momentum as everyone watched in concern, knowing how powerful this move is. He stopped himself from spinning and using the gathered momentum from his explosion, he fires the explosive tornado of flames towards Midoriya. Those watching the fight looked towards Midoriya, all yelling at him to move. Midoriya finally decided to open his eyes, much to the relief of both his classmates and teachers, he activated One for All and lunged to the side, just as the blast hit the right half of his body. As the smoke cleared, they noticed his skin to be mostly fine, it was obvious the right side of his costume was destroyed. As the smoke finally cleared, they noticed his costume hanging across his body from the left side of his hip to his right shoulder. The fabric holding the top part of the costume together fell, exposing Midoriya's chest, and much to his dislike, his horribly stitched wound. The classmates gasped in alarm at the wound on his chest, but there was one question they were all wondering, where'd he get it from?

Up in the viewing booth, All Might and Aizawa dashed out of theirs seat to the door All Might saying, "Erasure Head, go and stop that fight immediately, bring Young Midoriya to Recovery Girl. Young Midoriya is clearly injured and should not be moving with a wound like that, I will inform her of the injury so she can get ready. After that, we need to figure out exactly how he got it." With that, All Might rushed off towards the main building and Aizawa, towards Ground Beta, 'God', Aizawa thought to himself, 'what have you gotten yourself into now, problem child. I swear you will be the death of me'.

Midoriya and Bakugo were engaged in a furious battle. Bakugo blasting a Midoriya dodging, occasionally fire back. Bakugo stretches out one of his and uses his other to form a circle on the palm of his outstretched hand. He then fires the explosion through the circle, creating a concentrated blast beam. He focuses this blast directly at Midoriya, to say the class was worried was an understatement. The AP shot was dangerous, they had seen it pierce concrete before! As Bakugou fired, so did Midoriya. As the blast was coming towards him, he launched himself towards the blast, firing One for All at 100%, on both his right pointer and ring finger, trapping the tornado in the pressurised wind funnel. This resulted the fiery tornado of flame to blast back at Bakugo, however, the funnel also caused the flames to hit Midoriya in the center of his chest, right over his wound. The combination of the two quirk caused a massive explosion with a radius of 15m (40ft), Todoroki had to freeze a huge dome of ice 1m (3ft) thick over his fellow classmates to protect them. They crouched down as the blast washed over the dome, water from the melting ice dome, waiting until it was safe to leave.

Aizawa had made his way to the field, he rushed to open the gate. He made his way thought the entrance and to the center of the field, suddenly a loud explosion made him turn his head to the direction of the sky were the two students were engaged in battle, to see a large explosion headed straight towards him. He ran to the closest buildings and dived into the alleyway as fast as he could, but not fast enough. Half of his left arm and leg were caught in the blast, he hisses as he looks at his side. 'I'll have to see Recovery Girl when I take the class to see her', he thought. He sees the blast thinning out and slowly exits the alleyway, he looks to see a small ice dome is the far distance, 'Todoroki must have shielded the other'. He sees movement in the air and activates his quirk, not wanting another blast like the one that had just occurred. He sees Bakugo and problem child falling from the sky, he rushes as fast as he can with his injuries and lunges out to catch them with his Capture Weapon/ Binding Cloth (goggled it and that's its official name), he catches them just before they hit the ground. Once Aizawa is sure the boys were ok, he takes a moment to look at the injuries of the two boys, both were unconscious, so he deactivates his quirk. Bakugo had burn and scuff marks on the front and right side of his body, nothing too serious as the blast wasn't concentrated towards his body. He looked at Midoriya next, his injuries were horrible. He had burn and scuff marks on the left side of his body, small cuts, and bruises here and there. He looks at his chest and winces, the once stitched closed wound was open and bleeding a fair bit, he also had massive burns over the wound, due to the blast. He hears a cracking sound behind him, he turns to see the ice dome melting, revealing the class, they gasp when they see the injures of their two boy's he is currently holding. The sound of footsteps and the beeping of robots enter Aizawa's mind, snapping him out of his daze, he turns around to see the health robots with multiple stretchers for the unconscious students, although most of them were up and moving. The unconscious students consisted of Midoriya, who was first to be placed on a stretcher, getting raced off to Recovery Girl's office. Then Bakugo, Aoyama and Yaoyorozu. Mineta freed the students caught in his trap who were now awake and proceeded to head to where the rest of the class was. Aizawa did a head count before leading the class to Recovery Girl's office.

Once they arrived, they saw a ticked off Recovery Girl whacking All Might over the head with her cane, "Really Toshinori, what did I tell you!". All Might sighed looking down, "Young Midoriya should not be in this office within the next month with any severe injuries, and that he should not fight if he has sustained any and all injures." The students all think the same thing, 'How often was he in this office?' After she nods in satisfaction, she notices the students standing in the doorway, following an injured Aizawa. She scowls at him for not coming sooner and basically shoves him onto the bed beside Midoriya, she heals his injures and tell him to stay in bed, she then walks over to the students to check on them. Thankfully, they only had minor injuries. Once all the conscious students are healed, he asks Recovery Girl to get the office to call their parents, "They might as well go home now, the bell goes in half an hour anyways," Aizawa looks over at Midoriya, "Recovery Girl, is his chest ok? It looks like it is bleeding through the bandages." Everyone turns to look at Midoriya who as a pained look on his face, red seeping though the bandages that were wrapped around his chest. She rushes over to him and unwraps them as fast as possible, she goes to the cupboard to get more bandages and the students and teachers finally got to see the cut up close, it had been re-stitched but was much larger and deeper than they anticipated. A few had to turn away at the sight of Midoriya' chest as Recovery girl re-wrapped it, thankfully stopping the bleeding. The students began to leave, only Todoroki, Iida and Bakugo remained behind. Bakugo had just woken up a few minutes ago, demanding to know what happened, Aizawa explained the fight and showed it to him through the cameras. The three boys then went to explain Midoriya's strange behaviour, how they saw him in the change rooms, and then they then showed them the video. The video had just ended when they hear a groan, the students, teachers, and Recovery Girl turned to see Midoriya waking up. He started mumbling to himself before trying to stand up and get out of bed, Recovery Girl stopped him before he could. He then seemed to notice the other people in the room, he smiled and gave a weak wave before he was told off by Recovery Girl for fighting with such a horrible injury that wasn't even treated. "Yeah, I know, I tried my best to stitch it myself. I only had a sewing needle and thread so there wasn't much I could do..." Midoriya said as he began to mumble and everyone looked at him in shock, 'He tried to stitch it himself?!', they all thought. Midoriya was muttering for a bit, then All Might decides to be the first speak up, "Young Midoriya," All Might began as Midoriya stopped muttering and look at him, "where did you get that wound in the first place?"


Hey fellow hoomans, sorry this chapter was so long.  I suck at fighting scenes so... yea.  Anyway, i will be back soon with a new chapter hopefully.  

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