Chapter 5- the first day of school.

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Marinette's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. OH SHOOT! today's my first day at Gotham academy!! I sighed. Hopefully, there aren't any bratty idiots. 

I got up and got ready. I brushed my hair into a ponytail and put on my uniform. 

I got into my convertible and put on the GPS Gotham Academy, here I come.

I then parked my car and braced myself. PLEASE NO BRATTY RICH GIRLS! I prayed. Hopefully, Tikki's luck will stay with me.

Third person's POV

She walked out of her convertible and went into the office. She knocked on the door and pushed it open when she heard a "come in!" 

"Hi! I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng, here for my schedule..."

"Ah! miss Dupain-Cheng! I'm Claire Smith, you can call me Ms Smith. It looks like your schedule is similar to Mr Wayne's! let me call him on and he can be your guide." The principal asked Damian in, and he came there with a scowl on his face. 

He tried to get out of it, but it didn't work. SO, he settled for glaring at Marinette, who was too busy going through her schedule. 

They soon exited the office and Damian started glaring at her harder than before. Marinette looked up and...

Marinette's POV

I looked up to see the Wayne boy glaring at me. oh, two can play at that game, Wayne boy! I glared back just as fiercely. We glared at each other for at least 15 minutes straight when the bell rang. "this isn't over." I hissed. He rolled his eyes and looked away. 

I looked at my schedule- science. "what are you waiting for?" He narrowed his eyes and walked away. I followed him- eventually, we reached the class. 

Third person's POV

They eventually reached science class. The teacher, Ms woods, decided to hold a pop quiz (Marinette and Damian sit close by, But they're individual desks so that's a plus)

"Ms Dupain-Cheng, if you cannot take the test, that's okay. I'll arrange for an easier paper or-"

"no, Ms Woods, I can do it." 

"if you say so, dear." 

She then passed the papers out. Mari and Dami finished at the same time and glared at each other. To say the class was shocked is an understatement. 

"both miss. Cheng and Mr Wayne have acquired a 100%! congratulations!" 

Both of them glared at each other again and snatched the paper from the teacher.

"Alright, class! time's up! set your papers on my desk, please!"

after everyone set their papers down, Ms woods announced-

"class there is a group project that is worth 30% of your grade, and the partners are- Mr Wayne and Ms Cheng, *insert a long list of class names*...So, any doubts? Mr wayne, Ms cheng- I would appreciate it if you stopped glaring at each other? thank you. Now,-"

"guess who's heerree?" A voice sing-songed

"Ms Summers, I'm sure the class would appreciate it if you are quieter. Now, Class, this is our new student, Ms Violet Summers. Ms summers, you can sit in the desk next to Ms. dupain-Cheng, our new scholarship student." 

Violet raised her eyebrow "of COURSE ms Woods."

"Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted- I would like you to stay after the class ends, for that Ms summers- I was going to talk about the criteria *random instructions and conditions* Okay, Ms. summers, you'll join Mr Wayne and Ms dupain-cheng 

"Wayne? ooooh" Violet mumbled 

'so much for Tikki's luck,' Marinette thought

AND THAT'S THAT! it's KINDA long, to make up for the last chapter! hope you guys enjoy!!

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