Tagged! I'm super sorry luvs, I promise I'll update soon❤

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1) nope! at least, I don't think so...

2) not really,no

3)YES. But I know when not to take things seriously and just let it go so there's that!

4) yup. I'll probably tag 'em here?

5)depends on the PERSON. See, if some random stranger says something about me, it's not my problem. But if it's my parents or someone I care about? it depends on WHAT they're saying.

6)...I'm supposed to have one??

7) Pink. It's NOT because I'm a girl (if you think that, you're dumb.) but just 'cause. 

8)Paris, France. I'm learning French, I'd like to test that out. Besides, I REALLY wanna try authentic French food, and see Louvre and Le tour Eiffel (Eiffel tower. Correct me if I'm wrong, please~ I forgot basics. I'm wallowing in grammar now.) 

9) CAR. FOREVER AND ALWAYS. It has been my dream to drive since I was 2.

10) My diary. DEFINATELY my diary and food. Never, ever forget food. IDC if it says 5, I have only 2.

11) (WHY is this so darn long?????) Oh, that's easy. It's "V"- the starting letter of my name (you can guess my name if you want to, peeps) 

12) I love all animals equally. (In other words, I'm SCARED of all animals equally.)

13) that needs me to tell y'all where I live. I've mentioned it twice or thrice but NoPe.

14) Day.

15) I hope you're okay with 2 people. Yes, 2 people. Deal with it. I don't know whether the others are OKAY with being tagged. (I'm new to the internet world, okay? I don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable.)



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