I'll be updating by this weekend, I PROMISE.

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*Batfam ('cept Damian) was gathered around, talking to Sabine and Tom; they stop talking when bakery door chimes.*

Marinette- *doesn't notice the Batfam, goes straight to her mom and dad* "okay, so don't freak out, but I got suspended. again. BUT IN MY DEFENSE, Lie-la really asked for it.

Sabine- ....What did you do?

Marinette- I may or may not have set Lila's hair on fire.

Sabine- YOU DID WHAT?!

Marinette- HEY! I said may or MAY NOT but also, IF I did, She was asking for it!!

Sabine: Tom! help me out here!

Tom: *casually sipping from his cup* honestly, I agree-*looks at Sabine and changes his mind; gives marinette a faux stern look* with your mother. You shouldn't set people's hair on fire.

Marinette- Riiight. And-

Sabine- *exasperated* there's more?

Marinette- Yup! I broke Adrien's hand.

Sabine- so nothing serious?

Mari- Nope!

Sabine- well do you have anything to say for yourself?

Mari- yeah! Matchsticks are much easi-*looks at sabine, changes her mind* I DEEPLY regret it. Like, Really deep in there somewhere, I regret it. really, REALLY deep.

*meanwhile, the batboys are trying- and failing - to contain their laughter.*

The battle between the best (A Daminette rivalry)Where stories live. Discover now