Chapter 8- I warned you.

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Marinette's POV

I was trembling with rage. The AUDACITY of that brat (There it is AGAIN!). The manor was eerily silent. I took a deep breath and walked toward Damian. "I need your number, Wayne." That seemed to have snapped everyone out of it. He tutted and put his number in. 

Violet took her phone out- "hey, ace, I want to sue some loser. Yes, again. She slapped me! her name's Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I want her ruined like everyone else. THANKS!"  

violet looked at me "ha! you're going to be RUINED Dupain-Cheng! you WILL regret crossing me, and you WILL beg for mercy!" 

I snorted "what is with people and trying to threaten me?"

Third person's POV

Everyone looked at Marinette surprised- even Violet looked angry- They were expecting a ton of reactions- but DEFINITELY not THAT. 

Just then, Marinette's phone rang 

"Hello? yes, this is she. Yes, please, I'd like to fight back. Thank you, Mr Carson! hope you have a good day!"

People kept staring. Marinette remained oblivious.

Marinette shrugged and dialled a number. 

Marinette's POV

I dialled Aunt Penny's number.

"heeey aunt Pen-"

"It happened again, didn't it?"

"you know me SO well!" 

"*sigh* MARINETTE! you need to be more careful!

"It's not MY fault my life's full of spoilt brats! it's like the universe is against me- who am I kidding, the universe IS against me. Stupid plagg."

"Marinette *exasperated* details, please.

"um, let's see...Violet Summers, lawyer- ace Carson, I slapped her,-


"whaaat? I WARNED her!!

"*rolls her eyes* did she do anything-

"YES! she invaded my privacy, and tried to claim my phone as hers! you KNOW I like my privacy

"I'll take care of it. Just TRY not to get yourself into any more situations."

"~no promises" I sang out and hung up.

I looked up to see everyone staring at me. "what?" I asked

the 8th Chapter!! I didn't even give people enough time to comment (if they were going to) on what might happen next LOL. I'm crazy. Also, she renounced Tikki for now. She still has Tikki, she just renounced her, because she felt like plagg would be better suited for Gotham


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