Chapter 13- ...don't look at me like that. You try naming every chapter!

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that crash. Marinette knew It was an Akama(edit- it's  Sukma.akums. akum a. Amika. Dammit!I give up. You know what it is) just as she was going to open her mouth to make an excuse up, something broke the walls. The akuma. Dammit! Can't this 'hawklady' person WAIT? 

"Ah. She told me about you." The akuma pointed a finger at her.

"Really now?" She said, not paying attention. Instead, she was looking for possible places to transform.

"Yes." This time, the voice sounded different. She looked up to be met with a purple mask. 'Hawklady' was talking to her. 

"You know," she continued "you're earrings are interesting" 

Marinette stiffened up and her face was drained of colour. This was noticed by the batfam, who had stopped eating and were watching marinette's and the strange creature's interaction with caution and interest. 

"Oh? What exactly is special about them? They're just plain black."

The creature laughed. "Marinette, I already know." 

With that, a butterfly flew out of the 'creature', who was now a human, flew toward marinette, glowed white and flew away (yes, I know 'flew' is repeated thrice.) 

Meanwhile, marinette was pale and deep in thought

Marinette's POV  

But the only person who knew...Kagami. 

She wouldn't, would she?  Kagami and I  had a falling out 3 years ago because she became obsessed with adrien. 

"You already have one superhero chasing you! Why do you want adrien? Adrien is mine! You can't be satisfied with anything, can you 'little-ms-I'm perfect'?! You just HAVE to be worshipped by all and now you can't even let me-" marinette cringed at the memory. She'd rather not recall it.

Would kagami really stoop so low? Would she really tell a supervillain her identity for revenge? Would she knowingly put her and the rest of the world in danger?

That was DEFINATELY NOT my finest. There probably are a 100 grammatical errors but I'm sleep deprived and ready to tear my French textbook. As much as I love French, that stupid grammar is killing me. More specifically, imperatif and passé compose. And WHY ARE THERE SO. MANY. EXCEPTIONS. (As I said, I love French and no offence meant! {I'm sleep deprived, cut me some slack}) 

Does anyone else want to punch the guy who decided "education" is "important"? Feel free to join me! 

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