An idea, if you want to briefly read it, read only the ones in bold.

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okay, so I've been reading random fics where a "nerd" (there really is nothing wrong with studying, school is important, but remember to loosen up once in a while. I don't get why people have to label, but they do 🤦‍♀️) who gets bullied, goes away for a bit, and boom! suddenly she's a CCP (cute, cool and popular)

it got me thinking- what about one where Marinette, who was once a pushover, turns to Gotham and bing,bang,boom! she suddenly has this 'I don't care' and 'don't you dare bother me if you know what's good for you' attitude? She lives in the Wayne manor as a foreign exchange and all that jazz...It could be a Bio! dad bruce wayne or daminette..

For bio! dad bruce wayne I was thinking she already knows who her dad is but she thinks that wayne is a common surname and go from there

so what'd y'all think??

🍕R O N N I🍕(this is better? I mean-it goes with my name 🤷‍♀️ plus, pizza..Enough said.)

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