Chapter 12-Dinner and an akuma

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I feel like I've been dragging this a little too much, so from the next chap, l'mma focus on the butterfly miraculous thing, the rivalry and the collecting lost miraculous. Also, I changed the summary! Also, I can't really improve it more than this. Remember- I'm not really a writer, I just really enjoy books, so it won't be THAT great 😂🤦‍♀️ so, sorry if you cringe, you can always stop reading!

Marinette's POV

"Tt. I knew it. You're a meta." I sighed. I'm just gonna play dumb and get it over with. I still have to make a plan to find out how the Wayne butler knows about the miraculous, and how on earth I'm going to deal with the mess Lila left behind. I looked up at the people staring at me. "look, I have NO clue how she opened up a PORTAL to your house, and I have no idea HOW she knows me. The whole reason I know her, is because she's a wanted local thief in Paris." I just surprised myself. Quick thinking me, good job. the men seemed like they bought it. "Tt. whatever. you're still evil." it's official,not that it wasn't before, I hate that brat. I was about to retort, when Alfred Pennyworth ,the butler, announced that dinner was ready and that I 'must stay!'.

I mean, it gives me an excuse to question I sat down.

just as I was taking a gulp of water, Alfred spoke up.

"I also have macaroons, miss marinette. I'm guessing it's our little companion's favorite?"
I choked. what? "I'm not THAT little, monsieur pennyworth. yes, actually, strawberry." I replied, fully knowing he was talking about Tikki.

"actually, may I come with you?" I asked. that way, I could find out information, while getting cheese for plagg.

I stood up and followed him to the kitchen when I got an affirmative.

once we were in the kitchen, Alfred spoke up "I know you have questions, little ladybug, And I hope this answers them. I was once one of dussu's birds. My miraculous was lost in the war, right after that, I met Fu, who became a good friend of mine."

I was still skeptical. "then how did I not sense your aura?" He chuckled "That is because I have learnt to control it, for sometimes true holders gone rogue may find out my identity. It soon became a habit of mine." I gasped. I could see it!! he let it go, and it came rolling off in waves.

Once that was clear Tikki and Plagg went out to explore.

In the middle of dinner, my phone rang. I checked the ID. Chloe. Requesting for a video call. She'll freak if I don't answer. Then again, I'll get a mean lecture if I do. With a lot of reluctance, I picked up.

"heeey chlo!" I said.
"DON'T YOU "HEY" ME DUPAIN-CHENG! YOU SHIFTED TO A CITY WITH THE MOST CRIME RATE AND DIDN'T EVEN THINK TO CALL ME?! AND WHERE ARE YOU? THAT ISN'T EVEN YOUR APPARTMENT!! mari, if you got kidnapped I swear to god- just, don't kill them?" I rolled my eyes. Always so dramatic.
"Chlo, we both know I'd just push them off a building."
"Cheng, NATURAL CAUSES." (we all know what's coming next~)
"Chloe, Hun, Gravity IS natural."
I rolled my eyes again "I'll call you later. I'm in the middle of something important."
"And pray what is so imp-" I turned my phone around to where...Bryce? was sitting.
"ah! Bruce! THAT'S what his name was!" suddenly everyone was looking at me. The guy with the zebra head was snickering.
"you don't know his name?" Chloe hissed out
"no? no offense, dude" I said to Bruce.
"you just called bruce wayne 'dude'"
"y'all know each other?" I asked. I knew Chloe was dramatic but this was a whole knew level.
She started sputtering and Jason was trying-and failing- at stopping his laughter.
"mari-I can't- god. you need to get out more!"

I looked up at him. "soooo...I take it your famous? and chlo, call ya later!" I hung up before she could respond and suddenly, there was a crash.

meanwhile, somewhere in a remote part of Gotham, a lady surrounded by butterflies, was laughing manically.

was that long or was that long! mon dieu! Anyway, sorry about the ending...and probably every part of the story (😂) It wasn't all that great...but meh. It wasn't THAT bad either,right?Anyway, who do you think the new butterfly miraculous user is? if you've read my other books, you probably already know who I'm considering!!

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