Chapter 11-The 11th chapter(don't look at me like that, I got nothing.)

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Warning- EXTREMELY sloppy work ahead. Proceed with caution.

Marinette's POV

Oh you've GOT to be kidding me.

"hiding?" I asked. Totally ignoring the fact that I was not the one who said the line about the fox miraculous out loud (did I just do that? yes, yes I did.)

"oh, you know, just running from me because your SCARED!" I snorted. That girl really thinks everything revolves around her, doesn't she.

"what are you laughing about CHENG?" she sneered

"oh, just your DISGUSTING outfit! GOD and that hair-don't even get me STARTED! I mean, do you like REALLY sausages THAT MUCH-"

"UGH! I don't have time for this! Where is ladybug??" I raised my eyebrow

"I mean, I don't think you'll find any insects here, especially lady-"

"shut up! don't pretend like you don't know what I'm taking about!" she whined, stomping her foot like the immature brat she is. "hawklady wants her miraculous and she promised me a wish if I got both her and chat noir's miraculous. You know, because if you combine those to magica-" she spoke as if she were showing off her new car to her fake friends. GOD SHE'S GONNA FLIPPIN' REVEAL EVERYTHING!! I ran and kicked her back into the portal and it closed.

"pfft! spoilt Kids and disgrace to foxes! Am I right or am I right?" I asked, fake-laughing and waving my hands like I was a mother whose kid was caught bad-mouthing someone in his/her mother's name

and then I realized something. I let her get away with a miraculous. Shit. I REALLY need to think before acting, don't I.

Okay, so this was not a great chapter..I really tried with the tones but it's not super great, plus I wanted to update so yes, it's sloppy, don't mind

💎N I K A💎

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