So, uh. I finally update?

779 31 8

I'm just-

I'm going to run now-

Just- Take this update-


Marinette was pissed.

She had made herself a nice cup of tea, hoping that would help calm her down.

It didn't.

She was supposed to lay low, collect the stupid miraculous, and move on. She was tired of being handed so many responsibilities. She was going to finish what she came for and stop worrying about other people. And then take a break cause god knows she needed it.At least that was the plan.

Until the moth miraculous went missing.

Everything came crashing down from there.

Sighing angrily, she took out the cat and fox miraculous.

Time for Renarderouge* to show up

After transforming and uniting the two kwamis, She walked up to the mirror to admire her suit. She smiled. The fox miraculous perfectly disguised her ears and tail. It was too risky to go out animal-themed when there were already so many of them today.

Jumping out of her open window, she smirked.

No one said she had to play by the rules. 

*was my first time naming a superhero, translating to red vixen (I don't know.) I'm sorry if this name has already been used! Please tell me if that's the case!

Lots of love, (please forgive me for the late update-)
thank you so much for sticking around!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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