Chapter 6- The start of the project and The Wayne manor.

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Marinette's POV

"Okay, so whose house are we going to do our project in?" I asked.

"well, let's let Dami decide." Violet said in a "sweet" tone, which was disgusting.

I interrupted Damian before he could say anything "oh, did you not hear me, summers? I said OUR project? Do you get it? O-U-R. "

Violet rolled her eyes. 

"let's just do it in my home," Damian said, with a hint of exasperation in his tone.

"it's settled then! what am I supposed to do with my car though?" 

"oh, I'm sure your rundown little second-hand will be fine. It IS the school parking lot." Violet said. I swear if that girl utters ONE more word about possessions I'm going to lose it! 

"Okay." I hissed "let's go." right on cue, Damian said- "that's my butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Do not be fooled by the title, he is part of the family. Let us go." "ooh, butler! fancy!!" I ignored her. Once we reached, I thanked the man. "thank you for driving us here, Mr Pennyworth, I hope you have a great day!" He smiled and nodded as a 'you're welcome, you too!'

I got out of the car, to see violet trying her best not to gawk at the sight before her. I looked ahead- I have to admit, it was beautiful. But I have 30% of my grade to worry about first. 

"summers, if you are done catching flies, I would LOVE to get sta-"


I facepalmed. Why, oh WHY can't I have a NORMAL DAY! JUST ONCE!

this is chapter 6, and yes, yes I've updated 6 chapters-7 if you count the BONUS- in one day. pfft, big deal! I'm just SO excited about this one that I feel like I have to tape myself to the computer until it's completed. ALSO, if the story has grammatical mistakes please lemme know! it probably already does- if you don't wanna comment then please ignore it!

The battle between the best (A Daminette rivalry)Where stories live. Discover now