Chapter 20: Trigger

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Chapter 20: Trigger 

The first thing I did was check to see if my hands would reach into my bag to retrieve my Poke Balls. As much as I tried, the restraint just cut into my wrists, almost causing them to bleed. I couldn't reach my bag at my hip- my arms were too close to my body. The others had tried too, but hadn't had any more success, not that it would have helped at all anyway considering our Pokemon would feel sick outside of their Poke Balls because of Team Rocket's meddling experiment.  

A couple minutes of silent thinking ensued, broken by Daniel groaning. 

"Are you ok?" Amanda asked, sounding worried. 

Daniel just moaned again. 

"What's wrong? Are you bleeding?" Anthony asked. "Just apply pressure and-" He stopped as Daniel continued making noise. "What's wrong with you?" 

"I'm hungry," Daniel exclaimed. 

"I never thought I'd see the day where there was someone out there whose stomach had a bigger mouth than Ash's." Misty grimaced. 

"You really should quit your complaining, Daniel. Look at Pikachu and Togepi. They look horrible and you're whining about an empty stomach," Anthony said tersely. 

I looked at Pikachu and Togepi who were pale. Their eyes were closed as they breathed raggedly. 

"Sorry, guys. I was just trying to ease the mood," Daniel apologized. 

"Well, if you want to do something, why don't you get us out of here?" Misty retorted. 

That seemed to awaken Ash from his silence. He stood up and screamed, "Can anybody hear me? Hello? Let us OUT of here! Let us out!" 

He continued for a couple minutes, kicking the bars. I remained silent, not sure what to do. I couldn't even really hear myself think of my Ash's yelling, so I just sat and mulled over all my problems. Reliving fighting with my dad, Cloud being hurt, time traveling and dooming all my friends to life in prison. 

It's a hard knocked life. 

"Let! Us! Out!" My dad banged on the bars, his forehead starting to sweat. 

"Will you stop that incessant squawking!? It's giving me a headache," A female's voice called out at the doorway. I looked up. It was Jessie, her magenta hair held up with hairspray galore. James was behind her, Meowth nowhere in sight. I guessed Meowth was still feeling horrible from the evolution inducement wave's effects. 

"Besides." James smiled. "We figures of Team Rocket history are guarding your exit." 

We all stood up, ready for, well... trouble, not to quote their motto or anything. I'd just memorized it after so many storytellings from my parents that just looking at these guys was funny. 

"Hey, look! Togepi and Pikachu are waking up," Amanda announced. We all turned to see Pikachu and Togepi stir and open their eyes. 

"Oh, good!" Misty sighed in relief. 

"Hey, Pikachu, think you feel healthy enough to help us break out of here with a Thundershock?" Ash smiled hopefully.  

Pikachu stood up slowly, electricity coming off his red cheeks. "Pika...chuuuu!" The electricity grew, then stopped. "Pika?" 

"It looks like Pikachu can't use electric attacks yet. The inducement machine must have after effects." Brock frowned. 

Jessie and James laughed, then James said, "We're here to take Pikachu. And once our boss hears about this heist he'll gladly hoist us back up to the top of the heap!" 

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