Chapter 9: High Tensions

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Chapter 9: High Tensions 

After a couple minutes of walking, my adrenaline exited my system and my body screamed in protest at every movement I made. I hadn't slept in about almost twenty-four hours and in the past day I'd thought that my Pokemon might be seriously injured beyond repair or dying. I had fought with my dad seriously for the first time in my life, which was pretty traumatizing beyond belief AND I'd snuck into a top secret building with my friends, endangering all of our lives and possibly time traveling to who knows where, thus making me more upset about my fight with my dad considering it really didn't seem like I could handle myself and he had been right all along. 

"Is it just me, or was today the longest day ever?" I asked, my feet dragging. Zuko looked up at me, worried. 

"I'd say most tiring day ever." Amanda yawned. "Can we stop and rest?" 

Even Rapier's head had begun drooping a little as he crept at Anthony's side. Anthony noticed and placed a hand on Rapier's side. "We may be close to a town, but it'd be more prudent to rest for a bit here. It's nice outside." 

"What time do you think it is?" Daniel asked.  

Anthony looked up at the sky. "I'm guessing about 9:00 in the morning considering the location of the sun." 

"How do you know this stuff?" I looked at him incredulously. 

"I read."  

"Yeah, well I read comics and I've never heard about that." Daniel stopped walking and stretched. 

Anthony's eye twitched. "I mean that I read actual books, Daniel. Not comics." 

"Oh." Daniel stopped stretching and blinked in surprise. "You should be more specific." 

"I really need a nap before I want to kill him," Anthony muttered. Rapier sunk to the ground, curling up in a circle to sunbathe. Anthony stepped inside his coiled body, using Rapier's leafy tail as a pillow. 

Zuko opened his mouth wide and stretched like a Delcatty, arching his shiny back upwards. He then plopped himself down under the nearest tree, looking absolutely content despite how tired he was. I went to curl next to him, feeling the warmth of his body as I rested my cheek on side. I just loved Fire types- especially on a chilly morning like this. 

I closed my eyes and listened to Daniel and Amanda get comfortable in their own ways. Even with the craziness of not knowing where we were, right now we were all exhausted and needed to forget that we were lost in time, space, or any other dimensional unit and just rest. 

"Bi!" A child-like voice filtered through the leaves. I opened my eyes, finding myself in a vast forest. The trees were as tall as skyscrapers, the trunks almost as thick as the bodies of Onix. Grass and flowers covered the ground. No one was around- no Pokemon, no humans. 

I reached for my hip bag where I kept my Poke Balls as I stood up, but couldn't find it. My heart restricted as I panicked- I was in the middle of nowhere with nothing. No one.  

"Bi!" The sound came again. 

Well, maybe someone was with me. I regretted my wish for company instantly.  

I couldn't really tell if it sounded threatening or not. All I knew is that it was moving very fast as if trying not to give away its location, which there had to be a reason for. 

My breath caught in my chest as I looked around, searching for where the voice was coming from. "Hello?" 

Something made my hair blow up. I whisked around, but saw nothing but the sun's light and dark plants looming around me. "Zuko? Are you there?" 

I needed someone familiar with me. I hadn't truly been alone like this. Not once in my life had I been by myself. I always had my parents, my friends, or my Pokemon. Why had everyone left me all alone to look after myself? 

"Biiiiii!" It echoed, bouncing off the trees so I still couldn't tell where it was.  

"Who are you? Show yourself!" I demanded, grabbing a stray stick off the ground as if to defend myself. 

I turned around quickly to find big, blue eyes a couple inches from my own. 

"Ah!" I screamed, waking up. Zuko immediately stood up, his quill mane lighting as he growled, protective eyes searching for danger. 

I panted, sitting up and putting a hand on my head. It'd just been a dream. I was still safe... with my friends... possibly in the past... so no, safe wouldn't exactly be the word, but at least I wasn't alone. 

I grimaced, feeling on the verge of insanity. Still, I was under better circumstances than my dream and that was a relief. With that thought in mind, I was able to start breathing normally again. 

"You ok?" Daniel whispered. 

I took my hand off my head and looked at him. He was awake at the tree next to mine. His back was propped against the tree's smooth bark. 

"Were you watching me sleep?" I asked suspiciously. 

"You drool." 

"Oh," I said awkwardly. 

"I'm kidding. You were sweating a little and then you yelled, but not enough to wake the others. What's up?" Daniel asked kindly. Zuko nudged me with his head, looking worried, then laid back down with his head in my lap.  

I stroked his ears absentmindedly. "It was just a dream. That's all." 

"About?" Daniel asked. 

Zuko rolled back over to his side, apparently fast asleep again. I sighed. "I don't even know. I was alone in a forest and something was following me, then I freaked because I saw its eyes and I woke up. No biggie." 

"Sounds like a biggie." 

I shrugged. 

"It's been about four hours, I think." Daniel switched subjects. 

"Why are you awake, anyway?" I was curious. 

"My stomach woke me up. I'm starving." Daniel patted his belly. "I told you we should have stopped at the break room at the Team Rocket HQ. We're out of food. I mean, I'm so hungry that I even smell food right now." 

I took a deep breath out of annoyance just to find that the air did carry some sort of pleasant, appetizing aroma. "You know what, I smell it too." 

Daniel stood up and practically ran out of our makeshift camp and into the trees. 

"Hey, wait up!" I whispered in annoyance, hoping he heard me. 

Branches thwacked against my skin as I hurried after him. The underbrush was thicker than I had expected. 

"Daniel?" I said his name, wondering where he'd gone. There was no sign of him anywhere- sight or sound. 

Suddenly I came to a clearing, but before I could call for Daniel again a hand wrapped around my mouth and pulled me backward into the bushes.

Hey Readers! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, if you could vote, comment, and/or follow that'd be almost as cool as catching a Legendary Pokemon. No offense, but that would just be amazing and I think you'd all rather have a real Legendary Pokemon than a virtual star :P 

Pokemon Question of the Day: (I probably already asked this one in First Light, but oh well) Who is your favorite Legendary Pokemon and why?

Thanks for reading! 


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