Chapter 4: An Ominous Call

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Chapter 4: An Ominous Call 

"We should let Nurse Joy check the health of our Pokemon before heading out," Anthony said after our plan developed. 

"Good idea," Amanda agreed. 

We all took our Poke Balls to the front counter which Nurse Joy seemed happy to accept. 

"Like I said, I haven't gotten to actually do much work in the past couple weeks," she reminded us, her pink hair bouncing as she took the tray of Poke Balls back to the examination room. 

"Now what?" Daniel leaned against the counter. 

"I'm going to have to exchange Cloud for another Pokemon. I'm sure Professor Gary will watch him for me," I answered. "I don't know what you guys want to do, but I'm going to make some phone calls." 

"Ok. We'll be around." Anthony waved.  

"I'm going to the cafeteria again." Daniel rubbed his hands together while the others complained that he ate too much. Chuckling, I went to the green computer systems along the wall. 

I typed in Gary Oak's number and waited as a Spearow flew across the screen while the call connected. Gary appeared on screen, looking tired until he saw my face. "Emmy-girl!" 

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Are you always going to call me that, Professor?" 

"Are you always going to call me Professor?" Gary mimicked. "I'm too hip for that. Call me Gary." 

"Sure you are, Gar-Beware." I continued before he could retort, "Hey, I need a favor." 

"The classic Ketchum tradition of asking me for favors," Gary said with irritated amusement before frowning. "What's wrong?" 

"Well, my Pidgeot, Cloud, broke his wing in an accident," I cringed at the word 'accident', "and I really need you to look after him and was hoping you could replace his bandages every couple days. I don't want him traveling with me while he recovers and I know you'd take better care of him." 

"Sure, I can do that." 

"Can you get Maple for me? My Heracross?" I asked. "I want to have a full team." 

"Sure thing, Emma. If you send me your Pidgeot I can send Maple. I just have to go get her." 

"Great. I have to get Cloud as well." With that, we ran off screen. I asked Nurse Joy for my Poke Ball to recall Cloud, who woke up as I flicked the lights to his room on. He was not very pleased by the disturbance, but cooed reassuringly all the same when I told him I'd see him in a few weeks. 

I jogged back to my chair in front of the computer to find Gary back on screen struggling with Maple, who flew around his lab, running into shelves of Poke Balls. 

"Maple! That was my grandfather's first- oh! Not the transferring machine! There's! No! Honey! In! Here! Stoooooop!" Gary caught Maple around the belly and pulled her off a table. 

"Return." Gary panted, holding up her Poke Ball. A red light beamed Maple inside. "How you deal with this Pokemon, I can't imagine. I really am starting to get old, aren't I?" 

"I'd say you're starting to get more like your grandfather." I grinned. 

"Yeah, well, everyone thinks he was brilliant, so I guess that's a good thing. I know I did get the chick magnet gene that he passed down, that's for sure," Gary said, then stared into space with a very vacant, content look. 

I awkwardly allowed him about a minute of strolling creepy memory lane before coughing. 

"Oh, right," Gary stammered. "Send over Cloud." 

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