Chapter 38: The Future Is Shiny

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Chapter 38: The Future Is Shiny


My head felt fuzzy. Not to mention all the other aches and pains on me. Especially at my wrists. And shoulders. My head was falling forward, unsupported.

I groaned and opened my eyes to find myself tied in between two trees. By my arms and legs. Or something. I was at a bad angle to really see what was going on and, like I said, my head was fuzzy, so maybe I was a bit off on what was really going on. But I was definitely tied up.

And my first thought was Crikey as the memory of seeing him go down in a blizzard of petals came to mind. Was he safe? A familiar growl made me turn my head to see him tied up by a Venusaur's vines, struggling to get to me. His claws dug deep furrows into the ground and I could tell he'd been trying for a while.

For his sake, I gave a smile. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Take it easy."

Crikey panted, teeth bared at the Venusaur. My eyes scanned our surroundings. It was a more open part of the forest, but the trees looked different, so I guessed we were far away from where we'd been captured in the first place. No sign of any Trainers. Or Celebi. Though there was some equipment near some rocks. Really advanced tech.

Too advanced. And I recognized a lot of it. Of course I did. I was forced to memorize new products all the time.

"Seems like we've got some company who understands our generation," I said out loud.

Crikey grunted in understanding. He was smart like that. Even if he once did look like a cave gator before evolving.

"Now all I have to figure out is why you would take me of all people hostage," I said, wishing I could turn my head behind me.

"You assume you're that intelligent," a man's voice replied. A more robotic, voice changed voice.

Figures. Won't show himself. Or even his voice, I thought. "And you're hiding yourself just so I don't get a good look you. Which means you must think I'm some sort of threat."

"What are you doing in the past?" he said it like he wasn't really surprised to find me here, but didn't know all the details.

Fine. Ignore my question. I resisted the urge to try and break through my bonds. "I always wondered what playing a Game Boy Color was like. So here I am."

"You're testing my patience."

Without warning, a Metagross came out of nowhere, whirring in front of me as he aimed a metal claw at my head, a Hammer Arm powering up.

"Because you'd really kill me. You wouldn't have tied me up if I didn't have some sort of worth." I sighed. Even the smart villains didn't seem to get it. I wasn't as stupid as they thought.

"I wouldn't kill you," he said smoothly. I felt his presence behind me. "But persuading you is another matter entirely."

"Why are you in the past?" I asked. "Are you with Team Rocket?"

"Only idiots join them."

"So you are with Team Rocket," I mused.

Something dug into my back sharply. I hissed in pain. The Hammer Arm was inches away from my body.

"I am more powerful than they could dream to be."

"So powerful you're picking on a teenager because I somehow threaten you," I said through gritted teeth. "If I wasn't in ropes I'd be dancing for joy that I bother you so much."

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