Chapter 18: The Lake of Rage

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Chapter 18: The Lake of Rage 

"I wonder if Gyarados is red because it's so angry," Ash thought out loud, the first one to get his voice back. 

"Actually the different colors of Pokemon, rare as they are, are because of the genetic mutations of-" Anthony was cut off by an outburst by Daniel. 

"It's Shiny! Whoa, this is so cool! I want to catch it!" Daniel took out a Poke Ball. 

"Shut up, Daniel. They're not supposed to know what Shiny Pokemon are yet and you can't catch it because it's not meant to be yours, remember?" I hissed. 

"Awe, I keep forgetting. Your parents get to have all the fun." Daniel's head dropped sadly. 

"No, my parents don't catch it," I said in confusion. "I wonder who-" 

My words were cut off as Gyarados fired a Hydro Pump right at us. We all jumped to the side, scrambling to get away from the blast of water. The red Gyarados had his eyes closed in pain and didn't seem to actually see us. 

"I think that Gyarados might be sick too." Brock stood back up. 

"Yeah, it's sure acting like it," Ash said darkly. 

"Sick or not, I think we better get out of here. Fast." Misty sounded worried. 

"I agree with you." Amanda was already backing up.  

"Hold on!" We all turned toward a stranger. It was a very muscular man who was standing in front of a large group of people. "I regret to inform you that since you've actually seen the red Gyarados, you can't leave." 

"Hey! That letter." Ash pointed to the red "R" displayed on their shirts. "It's Team Rocket!" 

"Not again," Anthony moaned. 

"Pull yourself together, Ant, they're a bunch of pushovers," Daniel said. 

"You said that last time and we ended up almost getting killed!" Anthony exclaimed. 

"But we didn't. Instead we traveled back in time, so hah. We sure made them look like idiots." Daniel beamed. 

"I don't know if the idiots were Team Rocket," Anthony muttered. 

During their whispered conversation, the leader of the Team Rocket group grinned. "So you're aware of us, are ya? Because of that, I wouldn't dream of having you leave. Go! Fearow!" 

He threw a Poke Ball, releasing a huge brown feathered Fearow which spread its wings menacingly, screeching at us with its rough, scratchy voice.  

"That's how you want it?" Ash said threateningly and I couldn't help but mentally cheer for how tough my dad was as a little kid. "Go, Totodile!" 

His Totodile popped out, looking super peppy as he jumped up and down. 

"Sweet! I didn't know he had a Totodile. Think he'll bite me like Crikey did if I go near him?" Daniel asked excitedly. 

"Now who should put a bonnet on a Pokemon and raise them like their own kid?" I muttered before saying louder, "Zuko, come on out! Use Flamethrower on these morons." 

Zuko came out, dropping to all fours and baring his teeth. 

"Water Gun!" my dad yelled. 

Totodile opened his mouth, but instead of water, he let out a huge groan and almost crumpled to the ground. Zuko used Flamethrower, but before the flames even grew five feet, they disappeared. Zuko shook his head and I noticed that his quill mane hadn't even lit. 

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