Chapter 27: Glacier Badge

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Chapter 27: Glacier Badge

"Emma, wake up."


"Emma." I felt something shake my shoulder and brushed it away. "Emma, get UP!"

This time, something whacked me in the side. I yelled, my body flailing as it tried to decide if offense or defense was better. I felt like a Donphan as my body curled up quickly before jutting my arms and legs out, hoping to hit whatever it was back. Instead, my limbs got tangled in the sheets and my body, due to momentum, began rolling off the bottom bunk so that I hit the hard floor, groaning as pain began waking me up.

I flipped my body over to see Misty standing over me, her face so much younger than I was used to. Her eyes softened a bit. "I didn't mean to scare you that much. I've been trying to wake you up for the past five minutes. You're worse than Ash."

"Can't imagine why." I sighed.

"We're about to leave for the gym match. Hurry up and get dressed." Misty gently prodded my leg with her shoe before leaving the room.

I looked up at the ceiling. "This is such a good start to the day."

Within minutes, I was dressed and as presentable looking as I ever got. I wasn't one to take time on things like looks. Besides, it was an important day, which is why I decided to run out the bedroom door. If I'd known that'd lead me crashing into Daniel, I would have taken my time. Being from the future didn't give me any insight I actually needed, sadly, which is why I ended up almost falling for my second time in the first ten minutes of me being conscious.

Daniel ended up grabbing my arm enough so I wouldn't face plant and pulled me so I was upright, his face showing his worry as he made sure I was ok until spreading into the smug grin. "So, eager to see me?"

"Eager to see the gym match," I corrected. If only I could go back to bed and start the day over.

"Sure," Daniel said, obviously not believing me.

I hurried my pace towards the Pokemon Center lobby, finding the rest of our friends standing there, past and future alike. Daniel slowed down a little bit when he spotted Anthony and I guess they hadn't really talked since their weird disagreement thing last night. Anthony caught Daniel's eyes and nodded. Daniel nodded back, relaxing.

Boys were so weird.

Ash was talking excitedly about his match as he tied his shoes.

"So, do you have a strategy to battle Pryce with?" Brock inquired.

"You bet! It's a no brainer. I'll use Cyndaquil!" Ash exclaimed.

I had to force myself not to clap my hands together once and let out a dreamy sigh. Daniel noticed and shook his head. Sue me, I loved Cyndaquil.

Misty didn't look very impressed. "Sure, Fire types have a type advantage, but Piloswine is part Ground and Dewgong is part Water. They're really strong."

Ash rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know that Misty. That's the reason for my perfect plan of attack!"

He struck a pose, grinning ear to ear.

Misty still didn't seem impressed. "So, what is this perfect plan of attack?"

I was wondering the same thing. Ash's pose faltered and his grin disappeared. "Uh..."

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