Chapter 31: Fortune Telling

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Chapter 31: Fortune Telling


How could she want her parents to have no idea who she was? I frowned, thinking fast. If I was Emma, I'd totally try to convince my parents to treat me differently or at least give them an inkling of how they might treat their kid in the future. My dad forcing me to carry on the family legacy and my mom not paying any attention to me... that would all change if we'd met one of them instead of Ash and Misty.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

Ash walked in. "Oh, hey Daniel. What are you doing?"

"Being an idiot," I answered tiredly, sitting down in a chair.

Ash blinked. "Uh, what do you mean?"

"I just wanted to change things for the better, but I've been told I'm going about it all wrong."

"Change what? Battle strategies?" Ash asked, confused.

"I was thinking about changing life," I said, feeling pretty dark for once. "The future."

"Well, I know what my future has in store," Ash said determinedly. "I'm going to be a Pokémon Master. There's no way anyone's going to change that."

I blinked in surprise. "How do you know that? I mean, it's not like anyone knows what's going to happen."

Ok, fine, I knew what was in store and I was lying, but I wanted to hear his answer.

"Because I trust in my Pokémon to help me get there." Ash smiled. His answer came so easily.

I looked down at my feet. "Wow. Ash, I just wish I had your future. It's so complete. And I have no idea what I want."

He really DID have it all. He had friends, he grew up with the girl he loved, married her, and then had a family that worked together so beautifully that I felt a surge of jealousy run through me. I locked my jaw as if to hold the feeling back.

He shrugged. "You have plenty of time to figure it out. I mean, that's why you're on a Pokémon journey, right?"

"Yeah, you're right." I looked into his black eyes and blurted out, "What do you want to do after you become a Pokémon Master?"

"Oh." Ash looked at my blankly. "Uh, I don't know. I'm just happy with where I am now. I'm not worried about it."

"So if you had the chance to know your future, would you want to?" I asked quietly.

Ash laughed. "I just found out recently Xatu can't even predict the weather, so to me it doesn't matter."

"Right." I nodded, not sure what to think.

"I'm going to go train outside. Want to come?" Ash grinned.

"I'm going to clean up this mess first. I'll meet you out there soon." I sighed, looking at the blankets strewn across the room.

"Ok. See ya!" Ash ran from the room and I heard his footsteps fade away.

As I began remaking the beds, Misty came in, carrying her crooning Togepi. It felt like everyone wanted to visit me today.

"Hey, Misty. What's up?" 

"I was just wondering where everyone was. What happened to your room?" She touched one of the blankets that was on the floor with her foot.

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