Chapter 14: Friends vs. Parents

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Chapter 14: Friends vs. Parents 

"Alright, Staryu, come on-" Misty stopped as a Psyduck popped out of her red bag with a flash of light. He was holding his head, his eyes as wide as they could go. "Psyduck, I didn't want to battle with you!" 

"Psy," he replied, quirking his head to the side as Misty continued yelling at him. 

"If I hadn't ever met her before in the future, I'd be seriously concerned with her behavior right now," Daniel mumbled into my ear as we stood to the side to watch the next battle. 

"She'd probably treat him better if she knew he'd be her second favorite for gym battles once he evolves, second to her Gyarados. I bet she's still freaked out every time she sees a Gyarados." I muttered back. 

"I didn't know she was ever afraid of Gyarados," Daniel said in interest. 

"Yeah. When she was a baby she almost got eaten by one. She told me that once when I was afraid of something to prove she's been afraid of things too." 

Daniel laughed. 

"I'm serious. She did almost get eaten by one," I said tightly. 

He stopped. "Oh, wow. Some Bite attack, huh?" 

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to my dad. 

"Ok, Pikachu. Your turn." Ash held out his arm. Pikachu ran across it and jumped to the ground, sparks emitting from his red cheeks. 

"Roric, want to battle?" Amanda called to her Arcanine, who was lying in the shade of a tree, snoozing. He lifted his head groggily, shook his furry mane, and stood up. Roric howled softly, which sounded more like a yawn, and trotted over, his dark orange fur waving in the wind. He stood poised for battle in front of Amanda. 

"In that case, Phantom, care to join us?" Anthony asked to his Chandelure who seemed to be dancing underneath the branches of trees, casting light in the shadows. Phantom hovered over to where Roric stood, his purple flame growing larger as he prepared for battle. 

"You guys can attack first," Amanda offered. 

"Alright. Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on Roric!" Ash pointed towards the field. 

"Dodge it!" Amanda yelled. 

Pikachu ran quickly forward, jumping into the air. "Chuuuuu!" 

Roric sped quickly away, moving behind Pikachu who hopped gently back to the ground. 

"Psyduck, hit him with Water Gun!" Misty called. 

"Psyduck." Psyduck opened his beak, but only a pitiful stream of water came out that had about the same amount of force as a drinking fountain. However, it did hit Roric, who had to double take to look at Psyduck with his mouth open as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.  

"Well, it was worth a shot," Misty muttered. 

"Pikachu, Quick Attack!" Ash shouted. 

Pikachu built up speed and rammed into Roric, who was about to start laughing at Psyduck's horrible excuse of a Water Gun that he got knocked over by Pikachu's attack. He stood up, growling. 

"Now use Quick Attack on Phantom!" Ash pointed. 

Pikachu ran at Phantom and jumped into the air with speed enough to knock Phantom to the ground. However, Pikachu went soaring right through Phantom and skidded to a halt. 

"What the heck?" Ash stared at the Chandelure, dumbfounded. 

"Phantom is a Ghost and Fire type, Ash. Normal attacks won't work," Anthony chided. "My turn. Phantom, use Will-o-Wisp on Psyduck." 

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