Lonely Illumi X Princess!Reader

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Hai guys, I know its been a while since I posted on here and I honestly dont know why I havent posted. Im very happy that you guys love this book because I love this book as well. So anyways this story is about Princesses and Assassins so yay fun. This is my first Illumi fanfiction and I might be so good with Illumi so please be patient with me.

Requested: ZireGG



Reader POV~

I was in the garden of my castle looking at the flowers. The garden always makes my day better no matter what. As I was admiring the flowers in the garden the castle doors opened and my advisor, Sadie came rushing out. She looked to the left and then to the right, spotting me and rushed to me. "Ms. (L/N), you shouldnt be out here. Your father will be upset, please come inside your father will be very mad at you if your dress is dirty for dinner." She then grabbed my arm and rushed us both back into the castle, well more like a prison for me. I cant do anything I want to do, I cant even go outside because if I do then my father will get mad. If I try to do literally anything different from my normal schedule then he will get mad at me. Sadie took me to my room and I sat down on my bed with a gloomy expression on my face. Sadie didnt give a crap about how I felt and hurried out of the door, as I stared at the wall mindlessly.

A few mins passed until my door was opened again, I turned my head and made a small smile. Isabella , one of the maids of the house, closed the door and walked up to my side and sat down on the bed. "I can see you are upset yet again. May I presume its your father?" She asked looking at me with her gentle purple eyes. (I know all of you weebs will know who i am talking about) I sighed and looked into her eyes "You're correct like always Isabella, All I was doing was sitting outside and it wasnt even passed the walls just in the garden. I dont understand why he wont let me have control over my life. I would understand if I was 5 years old but I'm 18 years old." Isabella only nodded her head, understanding every word I was saying. "My child, your father is only helping you-" I cut her off saying "Helping me?! He hasnt done any helping at all, all he has been doing is making my life a living hell! Helping me my ass" I then laid down on my bed facing the ceiling. Isabella looked down at me concerned "Y/n relax you may not see it now but you will when you become older. When your quee-" "I dont want to be queen!! I just want to be a normal girl that lives outside of these stupid walls!" Isabella just smiled and asked "Well then who will be Queen then? You dont have any siblings now do you?" I shook my head "And in this world to be queen you have to be from royal decent and that is only you. So your going to have to accept it." I looked at her with a glum expression and rose back up into a a sitting position, "Why cant you be Queen, you deserve it wayy more than me. And also you want to be queen so just take my place." I tried to reason.

"I am happy either way and of course the government says that only royals can become ruler not everyone. If that were to happen then the world will fall apart." Isabella said as she stood up and walked to the door, she grabbed the door knob and then turned to me saying "Remember you will have some of the finest princes come to be the new king so get cleaned up." After that sentence she opened the door and walked off. I sighed and slowly got up and started to slowly head towards the bathroom.

Time skip brought to you by Kurapika in disguse as a mom friend but is actually the freakiest friend of all.

It was now night time and I was just staring at the ceiling pondering about life and decisions. I dont understand why all princes are assholes. And I also dont understand why I have to marry a prince just to become Queen. Why cant I just be a Queen, why cant I marry a non royal person? Before I could question the royal government any further someone walked through the door. I turned my head and saw that it was Isabella with the same light smile on her face. She saw my facial expression and her smile dropped a little bit, she walked inside the room and came to the side of the bed and sat on the edge. "I can tell the meetings with the prince's didnt go so well?" She asked and I just nodded my head, not even being able to explain how badly it went.

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