Perfect Plan Cheater!Killua X Reader Part 3

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Haii yall im back thank you for being patient and waiting for me to update ughhh school is just sucking right now and I hate it dont be a junior yall its hell. But anyways im giving yall what yall have been asking for a part 3 to my cheater killua story. Mkae sure ot go bakc and read what happened just to refresh your memory if needed. But other than that lets go ahead and start.

There she was, sitting there drinking something from a mug. She looked at the door and saw him and smiled.

"Hello Kill, its been awhile"

Third POV~

"Y-Y/N...Its you." Killua said tearing up making Y/N lightly smiled at the fact that he's in tears even though they aren't together. "Lets talk, okay?" she said softly, patting the space right next to her. Killua complied and sat next to her, so desperately wanting to give her a hug and a kiss and tell her how much hes sorry and how much he loves her, but he can't after what he did. There was an weird silence in the air for a moment until Killua broke the silence "I tired looking for you but I couldn't find you. Where did you go?" he asked, still feeling sad that she even left in the first place. Y/N sighed, looked into his eyes and looked away once she saw how sad and hurt he looked, and took a deep breath.

"Well after everything went down that night I couldnt't stay here. I had to get out because I wouldn't be able to stand seeing your face after what you did but also because I still loved you. So I stayed with a old friend for a few days so I could find somewhere to go. But then the Hunters Association called me and gave me a mission that's in France. I went on the mission and it took a lot longer than expected but that was the amount of time away from here that i needed. I was able to reflect and think about what happened and how i actually felt towards this situation. Once I finished my mission the Prime Minister and he gave me the opportunity to stay in France and become an assassin for the government. Of course I thought about it but I realized that this is my home....My home.....with you(before you leave finish the story it gets good i swear) So I declined his offer but told him if there is anything that he needs he can call me. And so I came back and I came straight here." Y/N finished, having Killua stunned

"so let me get this straight. You went to France for a year and then when offered a position you declined...for me?" he asked and Y/N nodded and grabbed his hands "I came back because I realized that I still love you. And I just can't let you go even though you did such a thing-" "And i'm really sorry Y/N i mean it. I don't understand why I did that to you. Your amazing, beautiful, kind hearted, generous, I could go on and on. You deserve someone who will be all about you and only you. And I thought that would be me but it seems like that's wrong." Killua sadly stated averting his gaze from Y/N to the floor, making Y/N shake her head. "Killua do you realize that any average man wouldn't admit to his wrong doings. Other men wouldn't own up to their wrong doings, they would lie and make up a story calling the woman crazy. But you are owning up to what you did and your apologizing. That's a true man, a man who deserves someone who will cherish them and not take advantage of them. And I think I know the person perfect for you."

Killua looked back up at her a little stunned. 'So your just going to come back after a year and then try to pair me up with someone new?! Your not even taking my feelings into consideration!' he thought angerily He stood up and turned to her, "But the only person I want is you. Don't you understand that I love you and I will only love you! I have tried to get with someone else after I realized that you weren't coming back and even if you were there would be no way you would come back to me. I have tried dating, I have tried getting over you but I can't! Theres this empty feeling in my heart telling me something is missing and I have known all along that it was you! I have told myself millions of times in my head that you were dead most likely so I would stop thinking about you but it never worked. And now that your finally back you want to try to send me off to someone new? If I could just move on like everyone else then maybe I wouldn't be here crying in front of my ex trying to get her back, I would be with my girlfriend taking her out on a date or just chilling in my room watching a movie cuddling. But what am I doing? Im here crying while im talking to you because I can't just let you out of my life again! I will do anything and I mean anything to make things they way they once were. Make it where we are out eating ice cream looking at the stars, or at our favorite resturant eating chocolate cake and F/F, see I didn't forget, or just upstairs cuddling, enjoying each others company. But....that can't happen, it won't happen." He paused looking down at the floor while his tears kept falling (lmao why am I making him so emotional) "So just go talked about what you wanted to talk about. I know I know this story is over and its time to start a new one...thats what you would always say, for some reason you love using metaphors but I always thought that was cute. But not the point, I got the message you can go ahead and go." Killua said still looking at the ground while wiping his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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