Hacking the System Teacher!Chrollo x Reader

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Ok guys I can explain why im posting this chapter today instead of yesterday. It was because I got really busy so I didnt post so Im sorry but im posting today thats all that matters. So this story was requested by MyDevil so I really hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing down a little summery for it. This story will take place in high school and the reader is a Senior and like 17 soo yeah. Know lets start the story



Chrollo POV (~Idk why I like writing in the dudes POV its just fun~)

Alright so today is my first day at Hunters Academy and I am the new ELA teacher so this might actually be kind of fun. I was wearing my usual suit and my head band on my forehead to hide my tattoo since it is against the rules to have tattoo's showing (~since when did chrollo follow the rules~), and my brown suitcase in my right hand. I might want to start walking to the class before im late, so I started to walk into the school and went to go find my classroom.

~Time skip to when he found it~

I finally found my room and I opened the door and I saw a bunch of students in there standing and chatting up a storm with there friends. But there was one person there in the back of the room that was just sitting there not socializing.She had H/L H/C hair, E/C eyes, S/C skin, she was wearing a black t- shirt with a skill on the front and I couldnt see anything else. I wonder, anyways I walked fully into the classroom and said "Sorry im late everyone, I had a bit of trouble of finding this room" I said putting my suitcase down onto of the desk. The whole class fell silent and looked at me, "Now everyone please take your seats." and everyone did as told and sat down in there seats. "Now let me introduce myself, I am Chrollo Lucilfer, but you may call me Mr. Lucilfer. And I will be your new teacher until further notice, any questions?" I asked the class and one of the male students raised his hand "What happened to Ms. Johnson" He asked and I answered with "Well she was caught doing some very illegal acts so she got arrested. Now any other questions?" and the rest of the class just went silent just staring at me. "Ok then, I can tell this will be a fun rest of the year with you kids now lets get started."

Third POV (~Yall love it when I change the POV on yall~)

While Chrollo was teacher the class about theme and perspective two very different thing (~I think~) all of the girls and some of the dudes were literally drooling over him. Well who wouldnt hes is a very attractive male. But anyways the female in the back of the class was kind of curious about the male herself.


Mr. Lucilfer is kind of mysterious well thats the vibe im getting off of him. I wonder why he is wearing that head band over his forehead, maybe he has a big forehead and is insecure about it. But why does he look so formal, none of our teachers are this formal? Im not going to lie hes kind of fine not going to lie. But hes a teacher im a student and even if EVEN IF it was ILLEGAL Im not a social person, never have, never will. But anyways I need to pay attention in class.

Third POV

A few days after Chrollo started to adjust to his class and the stuff he was teaching. But he has also put most of his attention to his student Y/N. Her name was the first name that he learned because he was so interested in the student. He wants to say that hes just interested because she seems different and its interesting but his heart is saying otherwise. Whenever Chrollo and Y/N lock eyes his heart kind of starts to race a little. But thats not only with him its the same with Y/N as well. Her heart also beats faster whenever they make contact, her cheeks also turn a bright pink but she always tries to hide it from Chrollo but everytime he sees how pink her cheeks get and smiles. They both want to get to know each other but they dont have a reason to at all. Y/N isnt a social person and shes also smart so she never has any questions. Also shes a goody two shoes so she never gets in trouble and last but not least shes not failing the class so she doesnt need the extra help class. So all they can do is just stare at one another and only dream.

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