Perfect Plan Cheater!Killua x Reader

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Haii guys so hows it beennnn. I hope its been ok I have finally came back to write another chapter of this story that you guys love and im very happy that you guys actually like this story. So without further ado let's get started.

WARNING: At the beginning there will be sexual content, read at your own risk and also Killua and Gon are 18, Kurapika and Leorio are 22, and the reader is 20.

Third POV~

"Oh~ Fuck Killua~ Right there." Moaned the woman under Killua while Killua rolled his eyes at her and continued slamming into her. The whole room was filled with slapping of skin and her moans. Killua has been holding his groans and was barely paying attention to the pretty girl under him. He was more worried about his girlfriend showing up. They have been together for a year and a half and Killua kind of started to get bored of their relationship, so why not make it exciting by having sex with another girl? Is what Killua thought in the beginning and he actually thought it was a good idea...until now. His girlfriend is one of the best hunters in the Hunters Associaton. She is really only used for Top Secret missions, they are very dangerous and everytime she leaves he never knows whe she will be back. Which is exactly why he did this during the time while she was on a mission, she wont know, none of his friends know, and the woman is a complete rando, it will be like nothing happened.

Everything was perfectly planned and everything was going as planned until now. He was startign to regret doing this, why did he even think about cheating on her? She was there for her when no one else was, she treated him amazing, cooked for him, gave the best kisses, they barely had sex because she would always be working but that is what he signed up for because she has always been one of the best hunters even when they met. Its crazy that they even lasted this long because before when Killua did like her and told her, she rejected him because he was two years younger than her and she didnt want no immature boy. But somehow he was able to convince her to date her and for what? For her to regret getting with him because clearly he was still the immature boy he was when he met her.

The woman under him saw that he was distracted and grabbed his neck and gave him a very heated kiss, making Killua lose his train of thought and kiss her back. After a very heated kiss he started slamming into her again but at a very fast pace, making her scream in pleasure and him groan. While they both where in heaven what they didnt know was that a black Jeep was parked in the driveway. The door opened and a female walked out of the car with sunglasses on, a wide smile on her face, and her keys swinging in a circle. His girlfriend, (Y/N) (L/N), was back from her mission and ready for Killua's cuddles. She has missed him so much and hated that she is always gone. She walked on the stone path, walked up the two steps onto their porch, and put her key in the key hole and unlocked the door and opened the door.

She walked in the house with a smile on her face but that instantly changed when she heard all the noises from upstairs. She took off her glasses and put her stuff on the table right next to the door and walked upstairs to find out what was going on, hoping it wasnt what she thought it was. She made it up the stairs and grabbed the doorknob, took a deep breath, and walked in and it was exactly what she was hoping it wasnt. It was Killua and another girl under her moaning and enjoying each other being connected. (Y/N) stood there heart broken, why would he do this to her, all she has done was treat him with respect and gave him all of her love. And this is what she gets in return...her heart stopped on, she felt so broken, so angry. She gave him everything and he does this, so immature.

She got fed up by watching them so she crossed her arms and said "So this is what mature looks like Killua? Havig sex with another girl while your girlfriend of a year is out doing her job, huh?" Killua instantly stopped and got right off of her and out of the bed. "Hey baby, h-h-how was work?" He stuttered, embrassed that he got caught. "Dont mind me im just getting my things. Yall can go ahead and keep going its not going to be long." (Y/N) said as she went under the bed and grabbed a suitcase and walked to the closet and started putting her things in there. Killua went to her and tried to talk to her "Wait please dont leave we can talk about this please. Dont leave me your all I have." He plead and she turned around, blushed, and grabbed his boxers and threw it at him. "Why would you try to talk to me when your naked. At least be decent before trying to talk to me about you being stupid." She said and finished getting her things, closed the closet, and turned around to see the girl still there.

"Why are you still here? Get out!" (Y/N) yelled and the female stayed there and crossed her arms "Im not scared of you. Killua clearly likes me more if he sat here and cheated on you. So why dont you leave so we can be alone." She said, making (Y/N) get more angry. (Y/N)'s eyes turned red and the whole room started to shake. Stuff from the room started rising and started shooting straight at her. The woman tried to dodge and yelled "What the heck is happening" while screaming "You see my nen makes me be able to control anything around me and shoot themselves at whatever im looking at. Im a special type of nen user so I would advise you get out before I treat you like an enemy which, spoiler alert, it wont be pretty" (Y/N) said, making the girl gasp, grab all her clothing, and run like hell. Once she heard the door close she calmed down and gave Killua a side glance, making sure he has on all of his clothes before looking at him fully.

"Killua-" (Y/N) started but was cut off by Killua saying "Please listen, I love you with all of my heart. I dont know what I was thinking I didnt want to cheat on you-" "WHat do you mean by 'I didnt want to cheat on you'. You still did without hesitation, I was going to come home and cuddle with you and tell you that on my mission my partner tried to flirt with me. But all I did was reject him because I love you too much to worry about any other guy. I gave you everything, I told you things I never told anyone, I trusted you with everything in me to not shatter the heart I gave to you." She said as tears welled up in her eyes and started to fallas well as Killua but he was already crying. "But your just like everyone else. Your just like all little boys, immature little brats who doesnt care about anyone else expect themselves. I thought you were actually grown up and ready for the world, but it looks like you have a lot more growing up to do." She finished and walked out of the bedroom door and walked down the stairs. Killua just stood there in his own thoughts until he realized that the love of his life is about to leave his life. So he used his nen and dashed down the stairs and grabbed her hand before she was able to grabbed the doorknob.

She turned around and looked at him with her puffy eyes. "(Y/N) please your my everything. I dont want to lose you, I really do love you so much. I wish I could take it back, I dont see myself with anyone else but you. Your my world, if you leave I wont be able to live with myself because you are my everything. Please dont leave me, Ill do anything for you to not leave. Please." Killua sobbed making (Y/N) gasp because she hasnt seen Killua cry like this in a long long long time and because of you too. She raised her had and wiped his tears away and smiled "I love you too Killua. I dont see anyone else I would be with either. I will forever love you and only you." She said then frowned and let go of his face "But it seems like you arent actually ready if wheever you get bored you go to another girl. Ill always be there for you but, you have some growing up to do and I cant be with you while your doing that." She said let go of his hand and opened the door and took one step before Killua grabbed her by her waist, turned around and gave her a very passionate kiss.

She was shocked that he did that and stood there for a little bit, but then she kissed him back since it would be his last for a while. They both shared a very passionate kiss for a while until (Y/N) pulled away. She looked up at him and said "I have to go." and she turned around and started walking away but stopped and turned around and said "See you on the flip" she said and continue walking. Tears kept going down his face as he just fell to the floor and sobbed. "I fucked up..."


Heyyy I hope you guys liked this verison better than the last one. Please do request stories I will be trying my best to post more on here. I have all the requests yall asked for so yeah fun. I am very sorry that I havent been posting I was going to post this as a birthday Killua story but I forgot and was busy so yeah sorry about that. But anyways have a nice day and be sure to

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