Perfect Plan Cheater!Killua X Reader Part 2

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Heyy yall, how yall feeling? I hope yall are feeling ok, so I really liked the new verison of this story so why not have a part 2? Idk I was already thinking about what I was going to write it but yeah anywayss. Also, this means it is a flashback. Lets begin

WARNING: Angst and a few flashbacks...You have been warned

Third POV~

Days have past every since (Y/N) and Killua's breakup and boy oh boy has it been terrible on Killua. He hasnt left his house ever since, his friends even tried taking him out for dinner and took him to a bar to try and find someone new and get him back to the way he used to be. But all Killua does is get drunk and talk about (Y/N), which isnt something you should talk about with a girl that is trying to get with you. His friends just left him alone and thought that it will all blow over in a few more days.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into a year. Killua slowly did show that he was better and fine without (Y/N) but o the inside he was still broken. He was still trying to find ways to get her back in his life but nothing worked, she has been SOL for a while and no one knows where she is. He has tried to call her, text her, email her, he would even try to send her mail to her old address before she moved in with him. He started to think she was dead and that broke him even more. There wasnt one day where he wasnt crying in their "used to be" shared bed. But once a year went by Killua decided to finally man up and try to get back to his old self. Thats really the only reason why Killua started trying to act his old self, because the love of his life is most likely dead and he has been depressed for a whole year and its time for him to fix his life.

But thats enough of that, now lets get to the actual story. Killua was sound asleep in his bed dreaming about (Y/N) most likely until his alarm woke him from his slumber. With a loud groan he grabbed his phone, stopped the alarm, and throw his phone to the side. He laid there for a while and then turned to the side, seeing her.

(Y/N) was on her side, facing him still sleeping. Killua smiled, moved a piece of hair out of her face, and started peppering her face with kisses. Not too long later she slowly opened her eyes and smiled. "Stop you werido" She said as she moved his face away from hers and she turned around. "Aw come on, your face is so soft." He teased and got out of the bed, making (Y/N) turn around and sit up "Thats exactly why I called you weird. Because you are very weird." She giggled and in a blink of an eye Killua was right in front of her on the bed, lips inches apart from each other. "You take any chance so you can use your nen on me dont you." "I just wanna be near you and show you how much I love you." He said and started kissing her all over her face again, making her giggle "Kill stop I gotta get ready to hang out with everyone, And you have morning breath." She said trying to get him away from her face but he wouldnt budge "Come on we dont have to be there until 11, its only 9 we have time." He said and kissed her on the lips, (Y/N) instantly kissed back and they stayed like that for a while until (Y/N) broke the kiss and said "You wanna kiss me and you have the worst breath." She giggled and Killua pouted "Hush because yours is worse." He said and got up and went to the bathroom, leaving (Y/N) just sitting there gasping and then laughed.

20 mins later, Killua finally got up and went to the bathroom to do his daily things. After 5 mins he got done in the bathroom and was about to lay back down when his phone binged. He grabbed his phone and looked at who texted him and saw it was Gon.

Green Boii :)
Good Morning Killua! I hope you slept well. I was wondering if you would like to hang out with Kurapika, Leorio, and I today. We just want to make sure your ok and not trying to do bad things to yourself.

Kill :(
Sure, what time.

Green Boii :)
Well we were going to Clovers for breakfast right now. If you want you can meet us there or do you want us to come pick you up?

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